• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • I have ADHD with ASD tendencies, despite not being autistic (long story). People like us are more frequently the types who find something new to be interesting, then dive in and learn EVERYTHING about it. For example, I recently bought a new car and spent days near obsessively learning about it. How it works (first electric car), how to model current vs acceleration, how to tear it down and rebuild it, etc. I’m now in the process of compiling a FAQ for my wife, who doesn’t share my obsessive tendencies and can’t retain my frequent “hey sweetie, this is interesting!” data dumps, and setting up monitoring and automations for it on our home lab.

    I used to think this was what everyone did. Turns out it’s not normal.

  • I recently rode in a Tesla on FSD for over 26 hours of freeway travel. It was flawless the entire time.

    On city streets? 90% was about right. It once took too sharp of a turn at a double right turn and spooked the driver next to us (although it didn’t cross into their lane, just got close), and another time decided to only change lanes halfway into the left turn lane.

    I agree that it needs to be near 100% on city streets before it’s ready for launch because that 10% difference is HUGE when it comes to safety. If their “level 5” taxi isn’t using some vastly improved software, it needs to be kept off the street.