• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • As a French, it’s not in our culture these “imaginary friends”. Kids don’t have them (at least I don’t know anyone that used to have one), we don’t speak about it, we don’t have stories and fairy tales about them…
    I think it’s an American thing. The new movie “IF” is uncanny for me - It’s like the girl is batshit insane and I was waiting for a twist with here being in a psychiatric hospital or something.

  • In Europe, we changed to the Euro not that long ago. I was a student and I used to use a shared laundry machine. It was the day before returning to school. I was barely alone in the dorms. Let’s do a laundry !

    The machines were updated to get euros. There was another machine just to change the coins, especially since the washing machines only took one kind of coin (20 cents).

    I put one fresh euro in the exchange machine, expecting to get 5 coins of 20 cents.

    Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>… Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>… Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>…

    What ?! The machine was buggy and would not stop. I grabbed a hoodie to put the coins in it. Soon, it was not enough. After what seems to be an eternity I was there with around 50€ and kilos of coins.