Hey! Get outta here! Go on, get!

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • When I was last in Japan, I basically lived out of konbinis. I mean, I also ate at restaurants all the time because it was so cheap compared to Australia, but for everything else, why bother cooking in my tiny-ass apartment when I can walk a few minutes and get a full, fresh meal AND some decent sake for less than a single dinner back home? They’re fantastic. Plus they all had ATMs that could use to get more cash out.

    Also, when my flight home was delayed by a typhoon, I was able to eat full meals for a few days on just thirty bucks from the konbinis in the airport. No price gouging. Back home that would have gotten me a shitty sandwich at best.

  • Starayo@lemm.eeto2meirl4meirl@lemmy.world2meirl4meirl
    3 months ago

    It wasn’t enormous, but it was my first time on shrooms after trying several other psychedelics. I don’t remember the exact dosage, I think I had ground it up and put it in some small capsules to make measuring doses easier but I don’t think I ever tried the rest since the first wasn’t very pleasant. But like I said, people react differently, brain chemistry is complex.

    Anyway, I far preferred the feel of LSD. But I haven’t taken either in many years at this point, I don’t have enough free time for it, lol. My main problem with all of them is the time investment.

  • Starayo@lemm.eeto2meirl4meirl@lemmy.world2meirl4meirl
    3 months ago

    I had a similar experience. Acid was chill. Felt great, music was wonderful. Snapped me out of my depression enough to make an appointment with my psychiatrist and get back on treatment. Downside was how long it lasts, mostly after you’ve come down and are unable to sleep for ages.

    Shrooms, on the other hand… I remember rolling on the floor, chewing on my desk, and completely forgetting who I was - but I could sort of remember a friend of mine who had amnesia from a bad motor accident, so I reasoned that I must be them. Plus I felt nauseous the whole time. Maybe a lower dosage would have been better but it’s not like I was trying to take enough to see god or anything. People react differently to everything, after all.

    Wasn’t traumatic or anything, but wasn’t helpful either. It was an interesting experience to have but I would not want to repeat it.