Star Wars is fantasy set in space. Star Trek is science fiction.
Star Wars is, in my opinion, more fun to watch. But I enjoy thinking about the concepts presented in Star Trek more.
Star Wars is fantasy set in space. Star Trek is science fiction.
Star Wars is, in my opinion, more fun to watch. But I enjoy thinking about the concepts presented in Star Trek more.
Unfortunately homophones think that AIDS is God’s curse for being gay, so they shouldn’t help victims or try to cure it. It’s “God’s will.”
A system’s purpose is what it does
Well I can’t sign it because I don’t live in the EU, but I think this is a good idea.
Obviously it can’t apply to all games (such as live service games) but any game with a single player mode should definitely be playable forever once you buy it.
Right? We don’t have nice things because we put up with bull crap.
As much as I want to call out bootlickers, it would honestly be weirder if they didn’t continue the tradition.
Headline might as well be “Trump first president to prefer Diet Coke.”
So, uh, as someone who’s only ever read it and not heard it… how do you say it?
Ain’t capitalism great?