• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Het is sowieso walgelijk dat er een voorstel tot een nieuw kiesstelsel komt. Dit kiesstelsel is prima, proportioneel en daar moet niets aan veranderen.

    Met dit voorstel is het principe “één mens, één stem” effectief van de baan. Dat maakt het uitermate antidemocratisch, en daardoor juist lastiger voor boer, burger, en de billijke kiezer.

    Dat van die regionale band is ook kul. In het Amerikaanse en Britse stelsel is er onderzoek naar gedaan en er blijkt totaal geen binding te zijn tussen gekozene en kiezer. Minder juist dan hier!

    Wat kan ik doen om hier verandering in te brengen?

  • Personally I favour a council socialism where all are equal, regardless of any circumstance; none has lasting power, no central government is apparent, no permanent imprisonment exists, and direct representatives can be called and revoked at any moment for specific issues. Everyone has free studying, healthcare, housing, and food.

    Where one can enjoy the fruits of another’s property, that should be fairly shared, instead of the “owner” being able to set prices. This would be done by nullifying any possibility to set prices or gains from this property.

    There would be only multiple random ballots if votes occur. All options proposed shall be on the ballots, regardless of circumstance.

    The challenge is making not only a central government not exist, but making it impossible for such a central government to gain foothold, and also to make it unattractive for communes to grow too big lest they become authoritarian.

    This can be achieved by two methods:

    1. Revolution, preferably peaceful.

    2. Or by reform. One possibility is living together in a commune. To make money effectively meaningless, first all must benefit equally from the influx of money, without sensing a need of money. All people’s income towards a collectively owned bank account, for example, that buys basic needs like food, housing for everyone, and gives personal property. Nobody has money themselves.

    Ideally, this would start from one suburb, as then a core of a moneyless world can be built, but can be done internationally too.

    A commune is delineated by: being the smallest amount of people that can sustain itself on its own labour and own populace, and being the largest amount of people where everyone could know one another.

    This would in practice mean a commune of about 100-500 people, maybe 300.