And he was never heard from again.
People were predicting this a while back as a way that reddit would make themselves more “advertiser-friendly”.
I also wonder if there were some legal concerns in those states that now require porn sites to check IDs.
I have this old edit too, but I like yours better.
I respect the tough love here.
I’ve had a successful Ironman run on Commander difficulty in XCOM 2 (WOTC), but Legendary Ironman continues to elude me. I usually get back into it once or twice each year and try again. Maybe one of these days!
This looks right up my alley. Thanks for the rec!
Those old NES games broke my fear of failure, so roguelikes, soulslikes, and similar games where you have a real chance of losing are my jam.
This also applies to games with permanent roster losses like XCOM or Darkest Dungeon. I can’t get enough.
You could do what now?
I think I also hear Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden laughing.
I heard that there was a way to do this in GoldenEye too, but I had no idea back in the day.
Gotta be either “non weight bearing” or someone’s initials who’s rounding on the patient.
14 years! All of those old news segments from that era are absolute classics.
Elden Ring and souls-like games really take a certain mindset to enjoy, and if you get stressed too much from failures, you’re probably not going to have fun.
Alternatively, if you’re someone who craves the challenge and can laugh off losing, it’s the best thing ever.
Amazing! Teaching her the old ways.
This show looks funny. I should give it a watch.
I suppose some mysteries won’t ever be solved.
You can play it on gut bacteria, so it seems possible.
Yes, do y’all not call it that?
Should have taken a lesson from captain Kirk and his beloved mountain.