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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • There are rooms clearly marked with mask and droplet precautions on the outside of the door, and the staff will take a mask from a box next to the door, go inside to deal with that person, and then when they’re done they take their mask back off and go back to walking around treating patients with no mask. What do the people in those rooms have?

    This is pretty standard, and maybe I can shed some light on it. You don the mask as you enter the room and take it off as you leave to avoid spreading the contaminate out of the room. The mask adds a barrier and reduces your risk of contracting whichever disease (and subsequently spreading it to other patients), and all the stuff it’s blocked stays in or at the room when you shed it. So the people seen doing that are actually playing their part in keeping whatever that person has limited to the room they’re staying in.

    As for what people in those rooms have, it can be a lot of things, but it really is what it says on the tin. They have something that can spread by droplet, which ranges from the flu to stuff like whooping cough or, yes, COVID. The system to keep these things contained is pretty consistently updated and has worked well when implemented. We were all wearing masks everywhere for a time because COVID was spreading like wildfire, and concerns of people becoming contagious before showing symptoms with no way to reliably innoculate/vaccinate medical workers

  • I don’t think it would prompt some kind of vindictive vote. That side of it is only going to energize those who were vehemently republican anyway. Republicans would hammer on any and all sympathy they can eke from having their candidate assassinated (regardless of the truth they will say it was the left, and at best people will think the guy was just crazy), and the average person only half paying attention will eat it up. Dems would be even more hamstrung in their rhetoric against the GOP considering the gravity of an event like that. Even with that aside, they’re now running Joe Biden against whichever face the GOP tells their voters to line up behind – who you can bet will be all in on the kind of stuff that will do even more lasting damage to our country. Biden is not a strong candidate, and without the uniquely unlikable personality and character of Trump I’m not sure there’s enough motivation amongst voters to carry him to another term.

    But all of that was a lot to type, so I just said it would give them a massive boost

  • I think it is definitely a weird “first world” thing. I’ve run into it a couple times on a personal level, and just about a week or so ago I got a “wait, you’re an android person??? Ugh” when trading numbers with someone for a work thing (as in this is the first time I was meeting this person, and the interaction was entirely “professional”). This is all separate from the friends I have that play it up as joke, since I’m one of the only people with an android in the group.

    Idk what the kids are doing, but it’s absolutely a thing for some people in their twenty’s and beyond.

  • TommySalami@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldRespect
    6 months ago

    I never thought “With great power comes great responsibility” would be a lasting principle in my life, but hell if it isn’t. I don’t have a ton of “authority”, but what I have I see as a responsibility to and for the people I delegate to, rather than the step up that some appear to view it as. Thanks, Uncle Ben.

  • It annoying, but also leads to some wonderful moments. I was at small event yesterday, when a weather alert started rolling out. I can only describe it as glorious sitting at the back listening to a sea of angry alarms, and watching people frantically try to silence their phones. Idk if that outweigh the alarm fatigue it gives people, but it was a fun moment for me.

  • Not sure if they had the same issue as me, but maybe. I loved the game, but the last act had the typical crpg feeling of all the possible storylines condensing into a few. Not a major failure, but it really stuck out to me because of how well the rest of the game handled it. They did a phenomenal job of making me feel free to tackle each previous act however I wanted. The world reacted pretty well, and there were a few points I was actually surprised to see characters react specifically to some weird solution I came up with. At the end it felt like my choices mattered much less, and I was on this track of betray/kill one Big Bad or the other with the only difference being who goes first and what flavor of help comes along.

    I think this is an issue all crpgs will have (it’s just too much work to have many wildly different endings), but the amount of discussion around BG3 being the new standard for the genre makes the issue stand out. At least for me.

  • It’s worth a watch, but for the theory itself essentially the effort/resources required to colonize planets that are not earth-like is unsustainable. A lack of a self-restoring cycle for resources and general ecological needs would inevitably lead to one of a variety of possible collapses. This would lead most intelligent life to avoid extensive expansion due to the heavy cost. Issues brought up with the theory in the video was stuff like tech advancement improving the practicality of life in free space as well as the possibility of differing biological needs (i.e. if a species went more mechanical or used AI/machines they could bypass the need to terraform or transport basic biological needs).

    A lot more and better explained in the video, but that’s the gist