About fucking time
About fucking time
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I understand the concern but if ot stops underage people from getting on, I think it’s a good idea. All social media needs it too. We have to protect our kids better. As someone with step kids, I hate that they use tiktok but they were already addicted to it when I entered the picture.
I’ve been playing hell let loose maybe I’ll give it a go
I’ve never played battlefield, I’ve always played cod, but I’m done with cod, how is battlefield comparatively?
None of this is bad. The skin cream one is dumb but the rest are def needed.
Only bumper sticker I have says “shoot your local predator” with a camera (thanks anxiety war!) What does that say about me?
This will be Musk on mars.
Yep. I live in the middle of nowhere, I’m not gonna start shopping at Walmart to give up amazon. Walmart was absolute shit first
I used to LOVE target but then they got rid of Mossimo, denim and flowers and anything else good they ever had and started carrying clothes for fucking Mennonites. Seriously, their clothes went from awesome to shit.
Lol no, cuz then my option is Walmart and I ain’t doing that.
That’s so crazy it just might potato!
She doesn’t look asian at all
Glad you got out! That’s something to be proud of!
Everyone who is a US citizen and didn’t vote, comment “HERE” please
Bring back populous you asshats!
I’ve been using gimp for years, love that shit.
Boy, you really told those rednecks who have no idea how to use the internet outside of Facebook! I’ll bet they won’t make that mistake again!
Same dude, I’m a city boy, well traveled, ex air force, and literally nearly get into fist fights with these fucking hicks if I go to a local bar. We just drink at home or when we go to the city, that’s it. Can’t stand these mfs, I wouldn’t even live here if I didn’t get the best deal ever on the biggest house in town. There is not a single tolerable person in this town that I have met. I met people that like me, but then they do like coke once a month… who tf does that? Or just ramble and you can’t get a word in, it’s fucking crazy.
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