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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Interesting, and appears well researched. I’m not sure if any of this shows “collapse” rather than just evolution or uncontrolled drift/change.

    The examples of the implementation details in the US education system seem to be more a complaint of money driving decisions, but this isn’t seen anywhere near as starkly in other countries. Free or low cost education is quite available in Europe and elsewhere, for example.

    Automating away housekeeping work is an interesting point. As is schools as daycare. Both are freeing up (mostly women) to add to the workforce, so it becomes increasingly clear that schooling and childcare should be cheap and available if this is the model that’s desirable. That is, equality in the workplace.

  • STAR. For every question try to give a situation, task, action and result which came from you personally. E.g. situation, someone was manually copying data from an online portal every month. As a task, you’re asked to write some code which scrapes an API, and you defined the task via docs and planned tests. Then as an action you worked on it for a few days, and the result was the company didn’t need to manually spend a few days per month doing it, freeing up people to do more exciting things.

    It shows you understand the problem and know how to go about solving it in a professional way.