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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Technology has moved from nitch nerdy thing to general public usage and as it did so it became usable without knowing what’s going on. Gen Z doesn’t know shit about technology, they just know how to use it.

    When I was a kid, if you wanted to get a computer working you had to screw with the RAM settings or build the computer yourself from components. If you didn’t know how to do this you talked with someone who did. I’ve forced my kids to learn at least some of this, but the idea that they’re more tech savvy is ridiculous. They’re users of tech, but it’s become too complicated (and more user friendly), so they don’t know what’s happening behind their screen.

  • The US tends to suck for many things worker related, I wasn’t arguing about all the different policies. However, I double checked, all our Scottish employees have a “use it or lose it” rule on vacation days. They must use all their vacation days per calendar year. They get their vacation days on Jan 1st and if they don’t use them by Dec 31st, they lose them. This is also the model the other employees have in the US, with the exception of the two of use who live in California where that type of policy is illegal.

    Since you must know, I get 20 days of vacation a year plus all federal holidays (11 days). I don’t get sick days, they come out of my vacation days. However I’m a high value employee and you’re comparing me against the blue collar workers in Scotland. I believe they get either 15 or 20 vacation days per year and I don’t really know about their sick day program. I hate the calendar “use it or lose it” vacation day plan and I think the California rules are much better.

  • blady_blah@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldWhat a slacker
    9 days ago

    The main difference from a vacation standpoint is that the vacation days are allocated per calendar year, and must all be used in that calendar year. You’re given x amount on January 1st and they must all be used by December 31st.

    In California, vacation days are treated as an accruing asset. They can’t reset my vacation days at the turnover of a calendar year . The vacation hours build up over time. This means there’s not an end of the year rush to use vacation days, there is no use it or lose it, and if I’m ever laid off the company has to pay me for all the vacation days I’ve accrued. The California system is a much better system than the one the employees have in Scotland.

  • blady_blah@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldWhat a slacker
    9 days ago

    With the US is it the vacation rules are mostly not required. Many states have different rules, and the more conservative the state, the more anti worker the rules are.

    And all the jobs I’ve worked, I’ve never seen any pushback for taking vacation. But that’s because I work in a white collar industry that is competitive and I can find another job if I wanted to. The less skilled you are, and the lower the opportunities are in the industries around you, the more opportunity exists for shitty employers.

    The interesting thing is, that I currently work for a Scottish company, and their vacation rules are worse than mine because I am guided by California labor laws, and they’re under shitty UK labor laws.

  • Really? That’s worth wishing she was dead? Who the fuck cares? Again, on a scale of 1-10, I think that rates a 2.

    If you actually read her posts (the ones I read in 5 min of internet searching before I asked this question), her message is basically (paraphrasing) “I support trans people’s rights to live as they want, but I value womanhood and take pride in my womanhood. As such, I want trans people to live as they want, but I want to keep the idea of womanhood separate because I value it as a space for women.” I’m assuming she said something much worse somewhere else??? … but that’s really a fucking lame thing to base all this hate on. Really, there has to be something more, right? Right?

  • ient dirty joke. Back in the day kids you could find collections of them in printed books, and later, entire websites solely dedicated to hosting thousands of dirty jokes. They were presented in story format, often happening to your cousin’s friend.

    Not saying no one had ever had this happen to them in the history of mankind. But this is also an old dirty joke that is probably more commonly repeated than acted out.

    *WITHOUT WASHING IT! I mean, was she ok with it being eaten by another family member as long as it wasn’t her? That’s just as gross!

  • blady_blah@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldBasic instincts
    2 months ago

    I remember saying “I don’t listen to music” in high school and half of college because I didn’t feel I could listen to the music I enjoyed without being made fun of. I basically didn’t listen to music until I was in college and I had space to explore what I liked and didn’t like without peer pressure.

    To this day I don’t listen to music in front of anyone other than my wife and kids. I still remember the exact derogatory quote that a person I thought was my friend said in regards to me showing them some music I liked… from about 40 years ago.

    That’s one thing I instill in my kids, everyone is allowed to like and not like what they want and they should not be made fun of for any of their preferences.

  • It feels like you didn’t quite understand… If you’ve ever read an AI essay, you can see some of the way they currently write. When you see facts and figures thrown in from the internet in terms of what the company does and they sound… Artificial… It’s rather obvious that it was AI written. I’m currently getting AI spam and it’s also quite easy to see and detect. It’s the same thing.

    Someone used an AI tool to write a cover letter and sent it to me. I’ve seen this a few times. It seems very obvious when you come across it.

    I’m sure it’ll get better in the future, but right now it needs massaging in order to sound real. There’s a very obvious uncanny valley that exists with some AI writing. That’s what I’m talking about.