thank you for being real! this gives me hope
maybe “androgynous” would be a better direct translation but what do i know
the heat death of bigotry
they have been going downhill for a while, proton has worked with the feds without resistance bbc article
marketing probably
no worries! happy to help :)
so i have no uterus so i can’t seriously test it but there is
Mensinator it’s on fdroid and playstore, it’s actively maintained and has 41 stars on github it is private and local and it reads like you put it in the calender when you have your period and it gives you some statistics
drip, its on android (fdroid and gplay) and ios and actively maintained, local and private. you can put in data like bleeding, temperature, cervical mucus, mood and some more. it seems to additionally give you reproductive information in the statistics it’s website suggests that it is financially supported by Mozilla which is cool.
again i can’t really test these but after some clicking around, drip seems to have more features and better support
right on the edge of the paper belt
we all know how much that is being upheld
wow the tweet gotta be a rip off of this
yea but that was like 3 days ago
well it’s procedural generattion goes down a list of biomes
why did none say Minecraft yet, this i all i could think off reading these biom names
here is an article about this study sry i could have sworn i linked this under the post
my goose is getting cooked!
whata going on with the hand, was he originally holding something?