You might like Treesheets, but you’re not going to be able to edit it on mobile with it. You’d have to save as HTML to view. It’s a grid-based editor that I use for stuff like this.
You might like Treesheets, but you’re not going to be able to edit it on mobile with it. You’d have to save as HTML to view. It’s a grid-based editor that I use for stuff like this.
Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW
Is the goal to keep the poop inside your body? If it’s allowed to come out and play, you could blend it with gatorade and consume it as soon as possible to minimize time spent outdoors.
The submarine is staying down there because the pilot knows the Canadian wildfires are going to set the atmosphere on fire. They need to outlast the fire and repopulate the earth with the DNA they found on silverware from Titanic survivors.
This is exactly what the fake ljdawson would say 🤔
Hey! As an idiot myself, I take a fence.
This thread has huge ham radio vibes and I love it.
Jerboa is the only app I’m aware of. I’ve been using the web UI and hoping Sync eventually materializes.
We’re a small team of 6 and follow Git Flow for branching. Every change that wants to go into the develop branch needs an approval on the pull request by one of the two senior developers on the team.
We have (virtual) meetings for any changes that require discussion; some things are difficult to quickly communicate over pull request comments.
When it comes to code style, our standard is “format it using IntelliJ”. Same with warnings – if the IDE calls it out, it’s fair game in the review. Personally, I check out every branch I’m reviewing so that I can navigate easily and enable my own warnings, which are generally strict.
Most PR comments start as questions because sometimes questionable looking code can be correct, then things go from there.
I alternate between CLion and VSCode depending on what I’m doing. CLion has nice refactoring tools, but VSCode has much better GitHub Copilot integration.
One can only hope he’s thinking about a Lemmy version. I’d gladly pay.
This has inspired me. My Instant Pot has been throwing a lot of errors lately, I bet I can rig something up…