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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • That was my initial instinct, to be judgemental. Then I asked myself, how does this impact me? It doesn’t. But if I was rude to them, as you are being, that would impact them. It would not make them give up their identity, it would just add negativity to their day. So let them be who they want to be, it doesn’t impact us in any way to let them exist as they choose.

  • He does! I’m not sure if it’s been widely accepted as I haven’t seen his theory pop up in many places, but he spoke to some scientists and it sounds plausible to me. Explanation below, hopefully the spoiler works.


    It wasn’t just cold exposure. They unfortunately camped at a point on the mountain that funneled air into a whirlwind that would have sounded like a freight train passing their tent. It would have also created infrasound waves, which at certain frequencies/volumes can make people essentially go temporarily insane. It is the best explanation (imo) for why they would have cut out of their tent, partially undressed, and scattered in random directions. They eventually got far enough away to realize what happened and some of them started trying to salvage the situation, but most of them were too poorly dressed and one or two fell down a ravine to their deaths.

  • The first non-fiction book I read for fun is probably still my favorite. I used to hate nonfiction books, but randomly picked up Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident one day. A group of experienced mountain climbers died on a Russian mountain in very mysterious circumstances, leading to all kinds of wild theories from the KGB to the supernatural.

    The author essentially becomes a detective, and the book alternates between his experience piecing together the mystery and the journal entries of the group that died. It’s fascinating and was impossible to put down.

    It sparked my love of non-fiction and I have since read dozens of others. I left the book a glowing review on goodreads and the author actually liked my review, I fangirled for a bit ngl.