Goldeneye. Revolutionized the FPS genre at the time. Nigh unplayable now. Tried recently using both NSO and on an original N64, it just hasn’t aged well when compared to something modern.
Goldeneye. Revolutionized the FPS genre at the time. Nigh unplayable now. Tried recently using both NSO and on an original N64, it just hasn’t aged well when compared to something modern.
I think you’ll find that most countries worth emigrating to are expensive and hard to get into, much moreso than the US.
Stay and fight for it. Because what happens if and when shit goes south wherever your new home is? Just keep running?
Going to the UK in the fall, first time going to Europe, I’m pretty excited.
You will never ever get in trouble for simply possessing GBC ROMs
I got the YouTube premium family plan a long time ago. Been worth every penny for the amount of YouTube we watch.
I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but if there was one streaming service I was gonna pay for it’d be YT premium. You can pirate everything else pretty easily.
You left out some important context, that she followed that up with “you people are next.”
A group of people related by blood and/or marriage.
More broadly, any group of related things depending on the context.
It could be anything, as long as your recipient has the cipher for your code. If they don’t, then you better hope they’re really good decrypters.
If you get the chance, I highly recommend it.
Here in Chicago we enjoy a thin crust with Italian beef and hot giardiniera.
Get a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, that’s a few meals right there. Throw the bones into a pot with a few aromatics, simmer for a couple hours, now you have homemade chicken stock which is a good base for just about any soup.
Summer. The best activities: dining on patios and drinking in beer gardens, camping and hiking, going for long walks, and lots more. Long days. Heat doesn’t bother me, and if it ever does I have A/C.
Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie
Data’s poem was written by real people trying to sound like a machine.
ChatGPT’s poems are written by a machine trying to sound like real people.
While I think “Ode to Spot” is actually a good poem, it’s kind of a valid point to make since the TNG writers were purposely trying to make a bad one.
If I had this land, I’d grow food.
Not just my mood, but I have different flavors of favorite.
In terms of nostalgia and all-time enjoyment, hard to beat Ocarina of Time.
In terms of pure “this game is so good”, may have to go with Red Dead Redemption 2. Truly a masterpiece.
In terms of most hours played, Civilization 6 at over 2000 hours.
I do agree, the whole “oops sowwy” with a sad Labrador vibe is a little irritating. But I guess they do it cause it’s a harmless and layman-friendly response.
If it were socially acceptable, I wouldn’t have any reason not to use it.
As for how I feel about it being taboo now, it’s whatever. It’s just a natural consequence of how language shifts and evolves over time.