People are putting an S on the end of words like ‘traffic’ and ‘email’. They will never understand the semantics of that correction.
Why do we blur names again and still properly link to the source xeet URL?
The right is always unified. Blind loyalty to the team captain is their one positive attribute. Look to our own slimeball cons for similar - but properly muted because #canada - idiocy and worship.
If a post labeled, essentially, ‘idiot’, has two English mistakes in glurge written for a genius, is that irony?
New HQ: Jerusalem.
Staff it with anyone the UN hasn’t labeled a dick in the last decade. Require soldiers from anyone it has.
Artificial sugar is still sugar.
Because it contains sucrose, fructose or glucose? Because it metabolises the same and matches the glycemic index of sugar?
Because those are all wrong. What’s your criteria?
Lat I checked, it was 40w idle for me on the kill-o-watt. Spinny rust and all!
Uh oh. Red flag.
gotta pop the panel cover off,
This may be where the rental agreement is broken. Define ‘pop’ . Two hands and a tool? Clear it with the landlord first. The company running the 400-unit building where I am now is gonna say F No.
Yeah. I got a pro managing it.
Evaporative clay-pot coolers are also top-load for efficiency.
Without space between the contents, though, they freeze in phases and it affects how they come out. Watch out or just keep air gaps.
Are both immich and photoprism container-dependent, or just immich?
(If they fail 27002, they’re a hard no for me).
LDAP server is also helpful, even though you can just use the file backend of Authelia.
Samba4ad was easy to set up and get replicating. Switch over soon as you can.
Ah, the New Zealand problem.
I read where you say “improve safety by following rules proved elsewhere” and I can only think the goal is worth the work.
Our closest neighbour just canned anyone who can tell them where and how they’re being unsafe - and relaxed the rules on lead content in drinking water - and I’m thinking we know whom we don’t want to follow!
Debian will have snaps and flatpaks and all the same insecure black-box drek.
Given how much they violate ISO27002, I can’t see them ever being run in a regs-compliant shop.
From a security standpoint? Not even close. From a software-release validation requirement, not even in the same galaxy. If they look the same, it’s only due to Clarke’s law.
Try to find out where they live.
America is barreling toward a bird-flu pandemic and they’re turning the headlights out on the clown car for safety in the dark.
So, estate sale coming. Cheap house.
(I kid, I kid)
You can see right down into Uncanny Valley.
It leverages our evolved ability to spot impairments or sickness in tribe mates. Something seems “off” and we’re instantly on-guard as a survival thing.