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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Lol, are you seriously still peddling the “if you don’t vote for Hillary you’re sexist” bullshit? It was pathetically transparent back in 2016, it’s downright delusional now.

    Couldn’t have anything to do with her being an unapologetic war hawk. Or a Clinton (the last one helped set up our economy to crash in 2008). Or a weak candidate with weak positions pandering to the middle even during the primary instead of pushing left. Or an entitled narcissist who colluded with the DNC leadership to put their thumb on the scale. Or a petulant child who was too busy smearing her primary opponent even after the general was over to take responsibility for the fact that she and her campaign directly gave us Trump by propping him up as a pied piper.

  • Honest question: is this actually an autism thing? Or just anxiety in general?

    This feels a lot like me and I’ve wondered for a long time if I have undiagnosed autism. Wonder if this is another item for the laundry list of things to tell a psychologist (for that diagnostic appointment I’ve been saying for years I should book but I have no clue how to do that so I just don’t ever do it).

  • Officially they’re on hiatus. They originally said they were retiring the line, but then changed their tune and stated that the Bolt line will return after they can implement their new EV battery tech in them. I believe the statements have been imprecise about when that will be, but potentially sometime in 2025 (meaning the 2026 model). That’s assuming no delays or changes to the plan.

    If you want a new Bolt without waiting for the revived line, I’d think about acting soon. They’re moving really quickly in my area. I’m really happy with the EUV so far, but I’m still only at like 250 miles. I didn’t go for the Premier since I don’t care about adaptive cruise control or their “Super Cruise” self driving thing.

  • You’re being downvoted but I agree. None of this has anything to do with religion. A weird fiction that invokes “[the Christian] God provided the vaccine” is irrelevant and disrespectful to the humans that worked hard to create a vaccine.

    It’s a pretty bad idea in general to bring up a supposedly omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent “God” in the context of children dying of diseases anyway. What kind of God would allow children to die of cancer? Or any number of other currently incurable diseases?