So I’m not so sure this is actually a Science Meme other than proving that sometimes history does repeat itself?
I was skeptical that this was actually real, but it is indeed on the NYT website and the image was taken from their “Timeline view”
So I’m not so sure this is actually a Science Meme other than proving that sometimes history does repeat itself?
I was skeptical that this was actually real, but it is indeed on the NYT website and the image was taken from their “Timeline view”
As a middle-aged man I can barely walk, let alone be trusted on a skateboard 😆
Not surprising sadly. This is the same man that labeled people relying on the government for a safety net to fucking live parasites.
I am one of those people that is part of the parasite class. I look forward to being able to get teamed up with a doggo in the camp. That actually kinda makes me feel a little better if that would happen actually.
What a freaking shitshow.
I can barely listen to Linkin Park or Soundgarden/Audioslave without getting sad. I remember exactly where I was when Cobain died, that shook my teenage ass hard for a while. Nothing like Chester and Chris though, probably because I’m around the same age as them and like them have chronic depression.