First, to set the record straight: look up the definition of scam
If the definition of scam is defrauding someone, I changed nothing about your word choice.
First, to set the record straight: look up the definition of scam
If the definition of scam is defrauding someone, I changed nothing about your word choice.
How about innie?
That’s the sample to get you hooked and coming back for more at 50p a pop, sucker.
Weirdly a lot of overlap with people who work in HR
Sure the guy doesn’t owe dominos anything but that doesn’t mean he owes the 4chan guy either. If anything I would assume the 4chan guy is worse than most of the vendors managers and coworkers.
A rational person might assume they mean the fee credit card companies charge the vendor, meaning paying for a low cost item on credit ends up costing the vendor.
If not, local pizza places (not dominos) are often still cash heavy businesses and some will require a min order or a small (3% ish) fee for credit to offset the fee they pay.
Yes, your neighbor is an asshole
Oof guy if you ever have to use the phrase “I…rely on facts and logic” with a passive aggressive smilie on the end you’ve already lost. I don’t even think there was an argument, but you still lost.
Sure in 10 years
What the fuck you mean “some limited federation”? That’s like…the main thing matrix does.
I’m not fixated on the word choice. You just changed it to trick but haven’t in any way proven that game companies are “tricking” or “defrauding” anyone. You’re just making an empty claim. Explain how spending money on a character skin is a trick. Or buying DLC isn’t getting you what you paid for. As far as I can tell you haven’t even established that anything they are doing is even “dishonest” which I think is a much much lower bar. You literally have not a god damned thing to back up your pov.
Your examples included expansions that they charged money for. And a game where if one person bought everything in the game, it would be some hundreds of thousands of dollars. Those aren’t tricks. Nobody is making anyone buy a house worth of bits. Nobody is making anyone pay for an expansion they don’t want to pay for (well, other than children forcing their parents). These are all optional transactions that adults enter into of their own volition. You can say you think it’s scummy they charge so much, but it’s not a trick.
Why is what you’re saying about Linux any different from what I’m saying about windows? Once you get to network it’s straightforward and a non issue.
To get to a working state you’re very likely to be fine. They’re all using Intel wifi and some elan touchpad, so the basics work well enough to bootstrap up to your vendors website.
For this hypothetical activity most people never think about doing.
So you agree it’s not fraud?
Ah…so just the bad ones. Tortoisegit is God awful, stuck in 1999. GitHub desktop is barely a client. Etc
Of that set the only one worth any damn is the one build into vscode.
That having been said you just indicated you enjoy reading man pages for the git command line, something literally nobody enjoys. So maybe you are just a special ❄️.
Lol “the main computer market is iffy”
If you’re willing to put up with the low security options provided by default and don’t have a weird laptop, maybe.
Oh I just did that
Only if you refuse to put forth the same effort into fixing windows as you do with Linux. Not wanting to learn doesn’t mean it’s not learnable.
So your proof someone was tricked/scammed/defrauded is that they spent more money on something than you would?
They key point you seem intent on avoiding is that you have not shown a single example of someone actually being tricked/scammed/defrauded. Someone buying a thing that is arbitrarily priced well outside of it’s practical value or actual cost is not a scam, it’s literally the definition of a luxury good. Is every person who buys a diamond getting scammed, in your mind? What about those $1000 shoes people buy as an “investment”? Were they scammed in your imagination?