Waiting for the day after inaugeration so Don can take credit?
Waiting for the day after inaugeration so Don can take credit?
When you are doing stuff in the terminal write it down somewhere else also, on a piece of real life paper or in a simple text document or whatever works for you.
In general I found taking notes while trying to do things in the terminal helped me learn.
I don’t think there is a real stoic writer out there suggesting you supress your emotions. My interpretation was that it’s easy to be swayed by your own emotions, that it happens to everyone and is very human, and it’s egotistical to think otherwise.
They may like his personality, but Trump has stated many times he doesn’t care to defend US allies. The next 4 years will be China and Russia’s best chance to advance their imperial ambitions.
Let the water wars begin!
It’s a showpiece to make the stock go up.
It’s got vibes. Pasteur was working for big pharma and he didn’t want people to vibe out so hard.
You’re already accepted!
This sentence made me want to kill myself.
Just kidding
Are you talking about something specific?
It’s really not even close…
What problem does blockchain solve in this supposed use case?