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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Big difference between “The US isn’t actually the greatest country in the world” (whatever the fuck “greatest” means, they’re never too clear about that) and “Uighyurs are dangerous dissident terrorists who need to be re-educated. Any organ donations are purely voluntary.”

    But then again, I am talking to a CCP shill from lemmygrad. Pretty much pissing into an ocean of piss here.

  • Why would you come to a place just to bitch about it? If you don’t like it here then fuuuck off. Go to ExplodingHeads or Rammy or even right the fuck back to Reddit. No one made you come here, vote with your feet. Or if you won’t do those things, then I beg you to take just a little less effort here and not post.

    I swear to God, some of you fuckers are the kind of dudes that rock up to a lesbian bar, get kicked out for hitting on women at the lesbian bar, and then start pissing and moaning about how “no one is allowed to be real man anymore hurk durk durk durk” and calling the bouncers woketards.

  • Be less dramatic. This has incredible “Fuck you, Mom, you don’t control me” vibes. There are so many legitimate criticisms to be leveled at the church that coming at it from a position of direct opposition is a waste of time imo. You could just as easily have said, “Parents told me to go to youth group. Told them I was too embarrassed because the youth pastor said today was penis inspection day.”

  • Jerboa sucked for me since I downloaded it. Constant logouts, unable to login after entering my creds, not showing my account until I closed and reopened the app, not letting me see my comments or saved posts, and constantly getting a “log in first” error when I tried to save a post. I ditched it and downloaded Connect, and thus far it seems to be the store-brand version of Sync, my absolute favorite Reddit app ever. When the dev releases Sync for Lemmy I will switch to that, but until then Connect is usable and pleasant.