• 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • Ubuntu actually. I hated Ubuntu for a long time, until there was a game which only ran on Ubuntu. And now, after installing it, I’m actually pretty impressed and like it a lot. Yaru is a very good-looking theme, and the customizations Ubuntu made to stock GNOME are actually pretty logical (like adding windows buttons). It has among the best documentation and package support in the whole Linux universe. I’m a guy who likes to tinker, but for whom it is more important that the PC runs well, and I haven’t encountered a single problem with Ubuntu yet - no kernel panic, no weird Bluetooth stuff, no apps which don’t run for some reason,…

    Everything just works. And that makes me happy. So Ubuntu it is.

  • Thank you for your comment - I appreciate your input. And also thank you for letting me know about the blunt part - I think it was important that you wrote it down like that. Sometimes you just need to tell things in a clear way.

    I’ve added the context to my original post. It is very interesting that you called me out that my gf already feels cheated on - it hasn’t appeared like that to me, but thinking about it now makes more sense. I think I would also feel at least overstepped if my partner would meet another person and cuddle without my consent. That already creates an emotional background, so to speak.

    I already mentioned in another comment that it is very difficult for me to imagine my friend trying to get me to cheat on my gf. It just absolutely doesn’t make sense to me why she would try to do that. You also mention a good point - given our past and her kiss, it is necessary for me to make sure she understand that I am not interested in her. While I don’t think going to the sea is per se bad, and my gf even said she would judge it differently if I went to the sea with another person or with this specific friend on another day, it is my responsibility here to make sure to set boundaries here. Going to the sea in the evening on the birthday of my girlfriend isn’t really a boundary in that regard, is it?

    And I also understand your point that you’d ask my gf (if you were her friend) if I’m trying to cheat on her. I think if I’d judge my behavior from the outside, I’d find it at least strange. While for me as an actor here my actions make total and complete sense, I also understand now why the friends of my gf told her that I’m at least trying to cheat on her.

    I’m feeling unsure of what to do next. On one hand, it is important that I’m there for my friend - she is not doing well rn at all, and I’m seriously concerned about her physical safety. Events like these, where we go to to the sea, really help her. But also I see the need to draw boundaries for my and my gf’s sake and make my gf feel safe. And I also need to make sure she is doing well.

    I care about both of these people, albeit for different reasons. I’m now starting to get concerned about myself, because it just seems like a really difficult dynamic to handle. It helps me to realize that my gf has reason to be upset with my actions and be hurt by them - I clearly breached societal code. I acted in the best way I could, because I care about both people - but what I’ve done wasn’t good.

    Thank you for your input. I sincerely appreciate it.

  • Got it, thank you! I deeply appreciate your feedback on it. I’ve been a bit anxious if I’m the only one who feels this way, but it’s good to know that I’m not.

    Don’t get me wrong, I really love my partner and she is an amazing person. I love spending time with her. But I also notice that time alone just has a different quality. So thank you for sharing your experience - I will definitely keep it in mind and clarify to her that she hasn’t done anything wrong at all, it is just my mind which sometimes needs a pause from the input of a specific person.