I very much dislike troons mostly bc

  1. (((certain people))) keep trying to normalize them
  2. they expect us to buy in to their delusions
  3. they bitch if we don’t memorize and use their soynouns
  4. loud and annoying
  5. they infiltrate and co-opt communities
  • 417 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Ok buddy. Sounds a bit like

    tHiS iS “ScIeNce”… HeY, yOu caN’T iGnOrE mY mAdE-Up aRgUmEnTs cUz sOmE dEraNgEd GErMaN psYchOLogIsT iS dEfiNItElY rIgHt aNd ThErEs nO qUeStIoNinG hIM cUZ iT sUpPoRts mY aRgUmEnTs. i’M rIGHt! yOu’Re wRoNg. dOn’T iGnORe mE! ReeEeeeeeEeeee!

    Freud says some pretty fucked up shit. Doesn’t mean he’s right. Just means the current people in power in those fields go along with it. You want to buy into every fucked up theory out there, go ahead. I’m not anti-science but there’s a lot of bullshit science out there too. Psychology and nutritional science both have a fair share of that. Hell, when you have public officials stating that chopping off body parts and taking chemicals produced for another gender is sane and people calling it a mental disorders are the ones with mental disorders, it’s pretty telling how bad both the current political administration and the agenda science is.

    So I saw that you were going to pull bullshit out of your ass for anything that I say. This isn’t a debate sub so my level of giving a fuck is finite. Now, I don’t mind a little back and forth but when you go spouting shit that sounds like buddy retard and blindly throw up the “iT’s ScIeNCe” shield, it sounds more like talking to a wall and I lose interest in having a serious discussion.

    I don’t buy your argument that anger/annoyance/disgust are all derived from fear, just cuz you or yoda or Freud or whoever says it is. If that’s all you got to convince me, then mission failed. If you buy into that crap with the level of conviction you seem to have, then I seriously doubt there’s anything I or anyone else could ever say that would even possibly convince you.

    So agree to disagree and back to shitposting it is. Don’t like it? Tough shit. If my memes are too much for you, go ahead and block me.

  • I’m a leftist

    Gee, between the name and the comments, I never would have guessed /s

    btw you wouldn’t happen to also be the crybaby that’s been ddos’ing everybody lately, would you? Noticed the site was working pretty good until right around the time you replied lol.

    I want to be left alone by you

    Again, going to call bullshit. For both you specifically and for leftists in general. Already covered the latter in my previous so for the former:

    Unless you somehow completely missed that you have a block button for users as well as a per-community block button in Lemmy and then somehow also can’t figure out that when you comment on a public forum that people are likely to comment back… Then it seems quite obvious that you’re here to bitch and complain, as anybody that “wanted to be left alone” would either go to a sub that supports that or block/ignore the people/subs they don’t like. So I’m guessing either you’re trolling, you’re saying that you’re about as bright as a faded black crayon, or you’re attempting to prove it by making such a blatantly false statement.

    If you want to express a different opinion, that’s cool but trying to be deceptive and say shit like “oh i just want to be left alone” while also posting dumb stuff like this is pretty funny. And if you wanna block me, no sweat off my back.

    If you refuse to call someone by their name, you’ll be treated like the asshole you are.

    I will call them by their name: their birth name. I just refuse to play make believe with them.

    You care so much about these people you’ve literally never met before, you’re pathetic.

    Oh, so you suddenly know everything about me, do you? Wow, I didn’t realize I had literally never met all the annoying dipshits I’ve had to put up with over the years. Wonder what I could ever have gotten so annoyed about. /s

    And for the record, I don’t really give a shit about them. If they want to cut off their dicks then go choke on a rope QUIETLY in their own PRIVATE space, then more power to them. I think it’s a bloody damn shame that doctors who should have referred them to get mental help and counseling instead took their money and lobbed off their bits and bobs without blinking an eye. But if they’re bound and determined to mutilate themselves and commit suicide when reason and regret catch up with them, then I’m not going to stand in their way.

    What I give a shit about is their annoying behavior and how repercussions of their mental illness are affecting the rest of society. And most importantly how they are trying to force the rest of us to take part in their faggoty fairy tales.

    I can support a eunuch’s right to live, but a trans publicly larping as a woman isn’t a basic human right anymore than me publicly larping as a black guy would be. They aren’t women any more then fruit-shaped wax is real fruit and the only things that will ever come out of their stank nasty rotten axe wounds are maggots and tomato paste. And any pedos trying to push that on children… Well, I would absolutely advocate stoning those creepy mfs to death but I would actually prefer them to be burned at the stake whenever possible.

  • Leftists: “We just want to live our lives healthy and happy”

    I call bullshit on this one. You only have to look at the leftists in the US with their “peaceful protests” (aka violent riots) and all the political bs the trans “rights” movement keeps peddling like wanting to allow men in women’s bathrooms, force people by risk of job loss and/or important to address them by their madeup delusions, and to groom children.

    That sure sounds like being “left alone” to me /s

    You sick fucks: “We just want to murder people who live happy in a way we don’t enjoy”

    First, stones aren’t necessarily fatal. They can also be used to just encourage undesirables to leave or not off their shit.

    Anyway, even if you are right, last I checked, putting a sick individual out of their misery was called euthanasia, not murder.

  • Fair enough (though your timeline is off a bit - 125 years ago would be 1898 which was a few decades after the Emancipation Proclamation IIRC). BUT even ignoring that, in my eyes, not recognizing blacks as human was failure to grant rights equally, rather than removing rights already granted.

    But basic human rights and things that have already been taken care of by constitutional amendments aside, I’m still not a huge fan of the big government stepping in to dictate what I can and cannot do. Yeah, I know… Blah, blah Libertarian blah.

    But I’m definitely opposed to granting them unrestricted power to decide those things.

    IMO things like requiring licenses to own firearms or restricting which firearms we’re allowed, which are infringing on a constitutional right. And placing regulations on the collection of rainwater is especially heavy handed. What’s next? Requiring a license to have solar panels and wind turbines to generate my own power? Biggub needs to fuck off and leave us be.

  • Operative word being “sexualized”. …

    Fair. But you basing that off the language in the meme or the actual bill? This is just a repost so whatever whoever made it typed is what we get.

    Either way, I agree with the sentiment that it doesn’t need to be taught at all in elementary or middle schools. And especially if they are teaching it there needs to be some big fucking disclaimers. It’s normal for most people, straight or otherwise, to be confused at that age. And they need to spell that out in a way that gets through even to thickwitted teenagers.

    But you inadvertently helped me decide on which meme Imma post next, so thanks for that.

    Real sexualization is beauty pagents and Hooters/Twin Peaks

    Totally agree those kinds of things need to be reined in. Idgaf what consenting adults do behind closed doors with each other but leave kids out of it and get a fucking room. Still waiting for Cuties to be banned but seems like everyone forgot about that shit.

    IMO there’s way too much sexual shit done in public, in media, or that’s easily accessible to <18yo’s these days. Yeah, you’re always gonna have horny teens trying to get on porn sites (or get porn mags/vids/whatever) but back in my day, we at least had to work for it.

  • Any thoughts?

    TBH, I was never really 100% clear what should be posted here vs mempire vs dmt vs danktv. Was just kinda winging it by existing posts and putting any picture-based memes here, any forum-topics in dmt. Would it make sense to add little more guidance to sub description or is it just a numbers thing at this point like what Wiggle was saying?

    I haven’t had many videos to post yet. I think one I had was a local mp4 clip that was like 4-5 sec that I couldn’t figure out how to upload to EH and eventually put on catbox or something. That was about making money by selling rope to trans and wasn’t sure if it fit content-wise with mempire or not going off existing vids. Since it was basically a gif meme in mp4 format, I had entered up posting it here instead.

    The other was a link to an older YouTube vid making fun of Biden saying to use a shotgun instead of AR-15. Again, thought about posting on mempire but wasn’t sure based on existing vids so I ended up posting that one to dmt instead.

    At the time, I was unaware of the crosspost button but Wiggle has since clued me in on that.

    Other than that, I found that I constantly fuck up the spelling of the name when typing it in the address bar so I need to bookmark it bc I can’t type for shit lol. But I don’t think that’s really an issue, just me being a dumbass.

    I don’t really have an opinion here. If it stays and I find stuff that fits, I’ll try to post there. If not, I’ll figure something else out. But right now, I’ve been more on reposting pics and haven’t gotten around to many vids yet.

    The only other thing I have been wondering is for c/dankmemes, is that I’ve had a couple people in comments, pretty much all from other instances, that bitch about things like politics/anti-trans/etc memes I have posted, like this here. Mostly I just ignore these cuz while I know I post a lot of shit, pretty much all the stuff I posted had this type of stuff here before I started and figure they can always block me.

    But a part of me does wonder if even for dankmemes if it would make sense to split into something like dankmemes and polmemes/antilgbtmemes/whatever. OTOH, it would make more sense for newcomers and let people control feeds easier if we did something like that. On the other, the kind of thing they are wanting could be said to already exist on other instances and splitting things here probably would be more work.

    I’m fine either way and sorry if going slightly off-topic for this post but just thought I would share and see what you and others here think.