Because the rich fucks like Muskler want that precious ketamine all for themselves.
Because the rich fucks like Muskler want that precious ketamine all for themselves.
So what happened:
Mexico got a 30 day reprieve by promising 10k Mexican national guard on the border. Trick is that they apparently already have between 10-15k there, so it is already met. The US claims they’ll limit gun smuggling, but with Muskler firing everyone, doubt.
Canada got a 30 day reprieve by promising a 1.3 billion dollar border package, and some kind of nebulous Fentanyl Czar. Trick is that the border package was announced six weeks ago and is already partially implemented, irrespective of the tarrifs. Fentanyl czar is needed for internal issues and is more about removing an attack point for Poilievre and the CPC.
Basically, Trump caused Wall St to lose 600 billion dollars in one day and permanently damaged the US economy(Canadian and Mexican resources are now being workshopped on being permanently routed to other countries) for literally nothing
DE, the team behind Warframe, hired an artist known best for his rule 34 art of warframe.
Hes been churning out fantastic work, all SFW.
I used them as they are well known modern languages that the average person might have heard about.
For anyone reading this comment, that person doesnt know anything about assembly or C.
I have have crafted assembly instructions and have made it faster than the same C code.
Particular to if statements, C will do things push and pull values from the stack which takes a small but occasionally noticeable amount of cycles.
From a technical POV, from having read into it a little:
Deepseek devs worked in a very low level language called Assembly. This language is unlike relatively newer languages like C in that it provides no guardrails at all and is basically CPU instructions in extreme shorthand. An “if” statement would be something like BEQ 1000, where it goes to a specific memory location(in this case address 1000 if two CPU registers are equal.)
The advantage of using it is that it is considerably faster than C. However, it also means that the code is mostly locked to that specific hardware. If you add more memory or change CPUs you have to refactor. This is one of the reasons the language was largely replaced with C and other languages.
Edit: to expound on this: “modern” languages are even slower, but more flexible in terms of hardware. This would be languages like Python, Java and C#
If Trump puts tariffs on Canadian oil, Americans will see an immediate 5% price jump in all goods, even the ones not covered by tariffs.
Moreover, it is possible that this is one of his hander’s favourite strategies. He’s making a lot of smoke about the whole Greenland thing, so he is trying to bury something bad in the news. Potentially how staple item prices are going to skyrocket in the US when your oil, lumber and more than half of your raw minerals cost 25% more.
$8 Canadian for a dozen fully free range chicken eggs from the farmer that raises them at a farmers market.
You missed that the tariff threat means he backed out of NAFTA. Which he re-signed last time.
Their image gen app isn’t theirs through and through. It runs on Dall-e
A fun anecdote is that when my friends and I tried the then brand new MS image gen AI built into Bing(for the purpose of a fake tinder profile, long story).
The generator kept hitting walls because it had been fed so much porn that the model averaged women to be by default nude in images. You had to specify that what clothes a woman was wearing. Not even just “clothed”, then it defaulted to lingerie or bikinis.
Not men though. Men it defaulted to being clothed.
To much pollution is controlled by releasing wives(edit: Wolves) into mansions and penthouse apartments, not warehouses.
Encourage the people making the bad decisions to make better ones.
Edit: I dont know what autocorrect was doing.
Well, no.
Deep Rock Galactic has fully optional skin packs to make money and they’re doing great.
Warframe has been chugging along for over a decade now and they’re doing great. Beating the pants off of Destiny 2 for average player count.
The live service trick is that live service only works if the company actually cares about the product. Those two companies stand out because they legitimately care and have great communication with their communities.
Fair, I have connections to a few that were fairly serious during 2, most of which were in tournies, one of those never bought 3, but the rest gave it a shot.
The ripoff that is S3 seems to be nails in the proverbial coffin.
They killed Splatoon’s grassroots Esport community thanks to them making a quick buck with splatoon 3, that promised a bunch of network functionality improvements that never materialized.
So now, a game that used to have multiple small but growing international tournaments now has nothing. Hell, they used to have tournaments on the main stage at PAX East.
I suppose it might be that first term he wasnt expected to win, so the only one with any sway was Putin, the Saudis, the MAGA nutjobs and other outside influence.
At this point though corporate US knows how to manipulate him, so I hope a more Dubya / Raegan style presidency is in order. Which are still disasters, but less so Trump 1.0
These articles are where I am basing my opinion from. Note that in the 2nd one, the fires originated in and are either in or on the border of state-designated high risk fire zones.
It could also be an instinctual fear from when giant spiders actually existed and were one of the apex predators on the planet.