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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Sorry but Fritos of software is dumb & in no way representative of bringing old chromebooks back to life beyond their support date.

    Schools often buy the bottom baseline of everything & in now way was a 4gb of ram a good, decent or proper experience to begin w/ & their replacements probably also had 4gb of ram - just a faster cpu, gpu & ram to hide that it’s lacking ram still.

    I think schools could easily band together & make their own education focused Linux distro & then just focus on hardware that’s compatible w/ that’s Chromebooks or Windows laptops. Hard part would be building out an on par MDM &/or ldap server if not using a Windows server.

    All Chromebook are is a browser basically. It already is the bag of Fritos imho. I think the hard part though would be to hire an IT guy that knows Linux better than the students tbh. Schools already under pay teachers in the US & that goes 2-3x for IT staff.

  • Very true. I remember vbscript. I still have to write some occasionally. What’s funny is that powershell gets all the attention & security applied to it - but vbscript likely keeps its flaws in the name of backwards compatibility. I’m betting vbscript is a huge attack vector just waiting for some major exploitation that leads to its removal or being severely gimped.

  • Oh get out of here w/ that. It’s not bad as much as it’s just stupid - it’s literally a top down approach to social media. Fb & instagram have already made it big so of course they can launch & pull whatever bs they want.

    It wasn’t organic & they hadn’t built anything w/ true merit & people are still tired of Zuck. He’s marginally better than musk these days at best. And maybe people aren’t as crazy about celebs & influencers wanting to be seen & heard as we all thought - as that’s not social media - that’s a Coca-cola commercial.

  • One can only hope. I think it is better if the developers that care about clean UI and workflows were to focus on Ubuntu Budgie or maybe even Budgie 11 or entirely new DE altogether. But as far as modern feeling and clean UI design I really do think Budgie 10.5.x is an overlooked gem of a DE.

    It is fine to be opinionated, but I always found the… opinions I guess by the people over at elementary to be rude, condescending and not really in the interest of its actual users. I think if that weren’t the case though there’d be tons more people volunteering to make it one of the most popular and best distros around.

  • Might win me back over if the weird green lines and glitching I always see with chrome on intel GPUs under linux goes away. I’ve also spent a lot of time trying to debug the issue but nothing ever seems to fix it and of course none of the Linux driver devs that might be able to fix it care to work on the problem imo.

    Guess I have felt lucky to have hardware decoding at all on chrome - considering the it has taken Firefox this long to support intel GPUs. I imagine it has something to do with how massive their codebase is compared to everyone elses.

  • Tbh - some of us, like me, did leave our most valuable comments to the tech community behind. Whether it helps reddit or not I still posted things to help others. I did delete much of anything outside of very tech related subreddits though. Also I promoted some software I wrote when applicable so it would only cut off my own nose to try and spite Spez too, so no I would rather not do that.

    Reddit will die a slow death I am sure, but the heart of reddit is certainly gone.