魔鬼. Internet Demon. Slayer of censorship. Programmer.

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  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2022


  • If a woman, trans or otherwise, wants to participate in men’s sports, why not let them?

    They are welcome to as long as they are not using performance enhancing drugs like testosterone. The problem has always been when you have men competing against women. Not the otherway around. Women already can try out and compete if they are good enough in the nfl. But none of them are.

  • If it was the will of the people laws that the people want would pass. Like legalizing weed. It’s mostly the will of the corporations because they fund the politicians. There is basically zero correlation between what the people want and whether a law is passed but a very high correlation between what the corporations want and what laws are passed.

    For example, vaccine corporations having zero liability for injuries. Take a popular vote and see if that would pass.

  • All the pain it took me to be an adult. The confusion. The rejections. Embarrassment, The work. Endless work. The tricks and short cuts I learned. Like Odin I feel I sacrificed a metaphorical eye , part of my soul ( the part that relates to other humans ) to live with the knowledge I need to understand who and what I am in the universe and survive. And every fucking man MUST go through such a pain to be a man.

    But this fuck. This shit stain waste of space. He says no. Gonna wear a diaper and disappoint the millions of ancestors that came before him. Not even gonna pretend to be the man he knows he should be.

    It hurts my heart.

  • Vast majority of humans fit nicely in male or female. Any deviation from that is a genetic mistake/anomaly. Plastics in the mother’s diet has been shown to somewhat feminize men. And perhaps for the rest of their life. Distance from butt hole to balls shrinks, penis shrinks, balls shrinks and perhaps (we don’t know for sure yet) their minds are more feminine. They are still men though. Just men who were born out of polluted sludge. Intersex people are an extremely small percentage of the population and everyone has empathy for them. Because they are effectively broken. That isn’t the usual trans furry lecturing gender on reddit/Lemmy though. Bless their hearts.