don’t necessarily need one if they are power efficent enough.
don’t necessarily need one if they are power efficent enough.
I set up an account will definitely give it a go.
I know this probably isnt the right place to ask this question but what is mbin. I know people said it was like kbin but I have no clue what that is ethier.
I have literally seen people that say that Assad was actually good.
I meant to put the linguist at the end in quotes my bad on that. I was trying to refer to the self styled reddit “linguists” that you would see trying to correct people for using the wrong form of then/than where it was really not appropriate.
Have you settled on anything yet? I really like the essentials part of zen but incompetence on that level scares me.
I use all forms of octopi interchangeably just to piss off “linguists”.
Edit:linguists -> “linguists”
Dolohins are the only ones I’m nearly 100% certain they have some kind of sapients. Probably some octopodes too but that will likely be completely alien.
Hey thank you. I’ve seen a lot of canadian saying the same thing about us that dear leader says about immigrants and its heartning to remember that not everyone falls into the trap of wrath.
I like my keyboard a lot and the local TTS is a huge positive, but it hates me swearing. Ive added it to my personal dictionary in every space I can think to. But it still corrects fucking to sucking and shit to shot constantly.
I never though about it but I zone off and end up staring at people more often then most I’m pretty sure but I was taught so repeatedly in childhood that staring at someone with any kind of disabilityis wrong so my eyes just kinda pass over them.
that is indeed how you mention someone. Yeah being pedantic for the sale of it isn’t something I understand. Unless it impacts my ability to enjoy the story I couldn’t care less.
I have read some novels where their history straight up breaks if you think about it for too long. Not saying this happened in this case but I read a fantasy novel that had a history that implied that people existed in the wrong times. Like this person was said to have died in X year yet someone met someone who was born in X+100 years.
The French have a body for deciding language so it makes way more sense for them to do something like that. They are fuxking weird about their language.
You have more of a problem with people not using language “correctly” than people not being respected as humans???
Hoping that they flee to somewhere that leads to fusion energy and not cheap rods of god.
You can like the game but please stop with the revisionism of it was always playable. When I first played it I could not get through the first non tutorial mission because there was no ground. after restarting the mission just would not progress. It launched in a horrible state on PC I can’t even imagine what it was like on consoles.
I think I’m going to bake something this weekend. Maybe my version of the chocolate chips recipe my great grandma taught me.
Wirelessly. Like an NFC tag.
Not saying it would be super practical but if you custom shaped them you could put a wire coil around all of the non seeing parts of the eye.