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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well that’s nothing new - I worked for them “briefly” (as in weeks - ended up with a better job offer!!) and as an actual aircraft mechanic I was disgusted by what I saw - they had supervising roles filled with non-aircraft trades people, training was done by a former boat mechanic, there were butchers and carpenters - who, if you asked them thought they were far more capable than an aircraft mechanic as, actual aircraft trades are considered “problematic” by Boeing management (who are all ex Toyota staff for the most part…) because - aircraft mechanics are too slow for a production line environment as we tend to take our time too much for their liking (oh because we want to get it right first time?!) 🤦🏼‍♀️

    I left and a week later the Max was grounded - the garbage that was spewing from senior management right before the grounding was eye roll inducing - about how they stand by the product bla bla bla and have no idea how shiny new aircraft could just fall out the sky……of course we know how that turned out for them….

    But yeah, Boeing, like Rolls Royce are not the brand a lot of people should think of as “high quality” until they sort their QA shit out and start employing actual aircraft tradespeople and engineeers who know what they are doing 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Of course self diagnosis is valid. But you can’t expect everyone to accept it - that’s just life, but people do not have the right to tell you that you are wrong either.

    However without a formal diagnosis there are no legal workplace supports, access to certain services (I live in Australia so YMMV) no access to certain medical services and medication and other things that actually require a formal diagnosis.

    I am dubious though when people self diagnose but refuse to tell anyone other than the internet about it because they feel they will be discriminated against at work or by their peers……because for the rest of us who ended up with a formal diagnosis as a child we didn’t get that choice…so in that sense that view is a little bit privileged in that you get a choice many in the rest of the community did not….

  • Maybe but when those same people are typing about their self-diagnosis from an iPhone 15 Pro whilst complaining they cannot afford $900 for a diagnosis?


    People do things if they really really want to regardless of cost….funny how that works 🤷🏼‍♀️

    And if you don’t want the “negatives” that come with diagnosis around other areas of life where you may be discriminated against as a result of said diagnosis, well too bad and welcome to the real world where the rest of us have to live - you don’t really have the same lived experience if you think that about an actual diagnosis then….and you will never understand what it’s like to actually be discriminated against for having said diagnosis…but what would I know……I’ve only been a diagnosed autistic since I was 12 so I didn’t get the memo I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • I am an Aerospace Engineer (I was an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer by trade prior to going to University) and I have spent the last 30 years in the airline industry….it isn’t as bad as you are allegedly making it out to be….pilots are not engineers either……

    Experience from the 60’s and 70’s isn’t really relevant to today’s industry- I started in the early 90’s and it’s massively different today from back then….so your point is?

    I am also based in Australia so that might also make a bit of a difference because we have had no airline crashes in this country and we have a very strict Potentially Unwanted Parts (PUP’s) system and other checks and balances that because we are under EASA based regulations and not FAA ones (who, by the way allowed the PMA part system….where parts are no longer required to be manufactured by the OEM for aircraft….and I’ve got plenty of stories about that nonsense…)

    So yeah…. I quite happily still fly everywhere around the world….

  • Well this hits close to home…in a good way I guess…(I mean I was diagnosed 10 years ago and I think the PDA aspect of myself went into overdrive in the opposite direction around “what would the Dr know and I’ve done just fine for myself until now anyway” - only been the last couple of years I’ve slowly started to “accept” myself as actually autistic…)

    It can be good to challenge authority when it’s called for, I mean, I’m the person my friends (nearly all are NT) when they want to know about situations (legal and workplace in particular) and what they can do to fight back… challenge authority as I am all for it, but it still needs to be done within the bounds of not getting into serious hot water over it as well.

    In that sense it has helped me as well. Plenty of situations where they don’t expect people to stand up for themselves or understand the laws (which I have used to protect myself over the years in things like real estate leases, employment etc)

    But the flip side is challenging every little thing that seems wrong. I have lost count of the amount of times I’ve been into a HR office for formal counselling over the years because of refusal or being “argumentative” or just flat out “not a good fit for the business”…so yeah like everything it’s not a feature it’s a bug that probably needs work in my case…but where do you ever start after so many years anyway sigh