Admin on the Lemmy instance.

He/Him or what ever you feel like.


Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.

  • 639 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2022


  • Powerful part:

    Even if he doesn’t call it anxiety, he admits he sometimes has trouble focusing, and there’s a tenseness in his body that can be hard to shake off. But he’s usually able to turn it around by talking to his friends or elders, or by reciting his favorite proverb:

    “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.”

    “It’s not about what I need, it’s about what my community needs,” he said. “There is joy in caring for one another. There is joy in coming together to fight for a future that we believe in.”

  • A factor I noticed here with my fiber ISP that hasn’t been mentioned: total bandwidth of the router that comes with the contract.

    While this is finally changing now, the cheap SoCs that where used for building these mass produced routers topped out at about 1.5gbit total throughput.

    So to avoid people complaining about false advertisement and still sell ”1gbit" fiber, the maximum they are offering is a 1000/400 Mbit connection.