• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2022

  • Maybe manga, but anime is expensive to produce and investors need to green-light it. Thus the closest thing to revolutionary ideas being proven right can’t make the investors look like the bad guy that can be defeated.

    It would be nice if China did though. I’d love to see a fantasy setting undergo a socialist revolution. Utilizing the magic of the world to advance the forces of production for factories and threw the craftsman mages under the bus to produce magical items in magical factories. The experience alienation. Land use policies change to farm magical animals like unicorns for their magical ingredients in factory farms. Clerics and Paladins that serve gods of wealth drive out all of the indigenous druids and shamans to extract from the land without giving back. Even in death, the workers are not freed from the capitalist system. The exploitation of the workers makes it difficult to pay for things, so when a loved one dies, their body is sold to a necromancer to do eternal mindless labor in the factories to assemble non magical items or till the fields.

    The spiritual death of the world offends the goddess of the planet and she strikes back with plagues and storms to undermine the human supremacist, unsustainable ways of capitalism. But the ingenuity of creating magic and technologies can hold the world goddess’s power at bay. Thus she has cast out the ability for magic to work in this planet in many ways. Arcane magic still works, but magic of the gods can’t enter her realm. However some people can cast divine magic spells, but it is only because they work in her favor. She no longer tolerates the gods that even the artificers admit are destroying the world. Those most exploited by capitalism sometimes gain a blessing of the godess, but they must hide this from authorities. It is up to the workers exploited by the system to use their power, whether blessed by the goddess or not to change the world as it is to one that serves the all sentient races and in harmony with nature.

  • It would be funny after he was hanged, he didn’t think he was worthy of heaven so he asked Jesus if he could try again to serve the Lord. was sent to a magical world, but Jesus offered him 2 blessings, the ability to know how to craft anything made in his world at his time and various holy spells that dispell slavery curses, healing and whatnot.

    It would probably follow the “Skeleton knight in another world” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeleton_Knight_in_Another_World storyline. Arc is just slightly less enthusiastic about ending slavery than John Brown would be. I’d also love to see John Brown as a crazy priest of some obscure god named Jesus. He would also make Holy Hand Grenades to vanquish the slavers. He wouldn’t be as powerful as Arc so he’d have to be tactical, which would also be more interesting.

  • A silly show like this is kind of hard to take seriously from a material analysis point of view.


    There is the “Paladin” faction that uses the psychic powers of dragon scales to be “heroes” They believe in growth through strife. The dragon scales exalt them from the rest of humanity and their leader intends to make them grow stronger to take over the world by force. They believe in justice through conflict and domination. Using the dragon scales too much sometimes makes these “heros” turn into spree killers. The dragon that these scales are from is responsible for extinguishing mostly all life from at least one planet. They share similarities with fascism.

    There is the “Sealing faction” that seeks to suppress psychic abilities for everyone on earth. They send devices that are immune to non psychic attacks around the world to seal everyone’s psychic abilities. They also give people experiences like dreams where the disappointments and despairs in their lives did not happen. They have the power to win when they feel like it but for some reason they just want to give anyone that opposes them a chance to beat them. They are kind of smug. While on the surface they oppose the Paladin faction, they really go far out of their way to enable them. They share similarities with liberalism.

    There is the “Evolution of love” that believes that psychic powers should be nurtured responsibly. They believe that beings should be allowed to develop psychic powers and use them to live in harmony with others instead of dominating others with force. At the beginning, they see the dragon scales as the problem and seek to take all of the dragon scales from the Paladin faction. They would rather the danger of the dragon scales be addressed first because nurturing destructive behavior is worse than sealing people away. Not ideological per se, but I do think it is funny that they get extremely powered up by alcohol. They share similarities with some form of leftism but I can’t tell you which one because the material conditions of this universe are so different from this one

    Maybe I’m streaching it out a bit, but it is a fun watch. Some people complain about the cg, but it is not really that bad