I’ve seen similar options, but haven’t heard of this one. Looks like my 17 yr old comp might be compatible. I wonder how compatible though, since most of my USB ports already don’t work with my supported OS.
Anyway, thanks, I’ll look more into it.
I’ve seen similar options, but haven’t heard of this one. Looks like my 17 yr old comp might be compatible. I wonder how compatible though, since most of my USB ports already don’t work with my supported OS.
Anyway, thanks, I’ll look more into it.
I guess that’s true. But both are acting everyone just has money to waste.
I’m not using windows, but apple does the same thing. My OS is 9 versions old because they won’t let me upgrade without buying a new computer.
Are you referring to illegal aliens?
Protest for what? Not sure if you are referring to something in particular, or just in general.
The majority of people were tired of the democrats, and like what the republicans are doing. Under Biden for the past 4 years, I saw way more people who were democrat become republican, than I saw republicans become democrat.
I’ve seen one protest where I live, and there were maybe 30 people there.
And to go and take it out on people who aren’t involved, just because they own a vehicle. Childish brats.
Look at it the other way. It improved the crapple plug.
I didn’t pay much attention to the changes after XP. Next thing I saw (years later) was the win version with flipping windows all over the place, that worked more like a cell phone. I was totally lost. Anytime I’ve used windows at a job, they were always using older versions that I could figure out.
I know, most businesses only use windows. Its like they got stuck with it, and are afraid to leave.
I used windows for over 10 years, I just feel like its changed a lot since I last used it, to where I barely recognize it.
I stopped using windows while using Win XP, maybe 16 or 17 years ago. When I try using current windows I become useless, I can barely figure out how to use it.
That was 82!? And yeah, not great. Seemed awesome at the time though, being able to play on your own TV, without paying quarter!
My first game was pacman, on Atari 2600, that would have worked instead of the arcade version.
I started with Atari 2600 on a black and white TV. PS2 is the newest console I have. I’m still buying and playing PS2 games. Haven’t seen a need to go any further (other than a couple games I’d like to play.)
Not having non-destructive editing has kept me from using gimp. I tried but just couldn’t use it. I’ll have to try again.
Not bad eh? j/k
As I said earlier, the abortion issue does not count, because it does not only involve the women, but also the baby. Therefore, regardless of anyone’s opinion on the subject, it is a completely different issue.
You’re free to feel that way, I just disagree and think we’d be better off without AI. Time will tell whether we should have put an end to it, or if it was a great invention.
Why, because you can’t provide an answer to my simple question?
Guess I haven’t heard about that one.