• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • By giving law enforcement a heat map of the area they cover, they could see potential crime hotspots in real time through the predictive crime map (PCM). This allows for better allocation of police officers and for more effective coverage.

    Oh Jesus Christ. As if beat cops need a map. I assure you, after a month or two on the streets, they know exactly where the bad spots are, down to the blocks and homes. Hell, I’ve seen cops on a first name basis with offenders and constant callers.

    Imagine cops asking for this tech, admitting they’re failing at one of the most basic parts of the job. “Really need this chief, we have no idea what’s going on out there!” Or, “This could be an important tool Mr. Mayor. Our street cops are clueless.” If the cops know anything at all, it’s where they’re going to face hassle.

    The recidivism prediction is the evil shit here. Aren’t judges already using such systems when sentencing and calculating parole? Some algo assigns numbers to X,Y and Z factors, pops out a score?

  • You made me remember! Yes, this was on a HUGE TV, probably 70", and that in a time when those were insanely expensive, had never seen one in a home. It was like the house walls in Fahrenheit 451.

    “Come look! The White Clown is talking!”

    An LSD party back in college taught me a thing I’ll never forget. There were 3 TVs in the living room and my best friend and I were tripping balls. He pulls me over to where I can see all 3 screens.

    He said, “Notice who the number of people watching is directly proportional to the size of the screen?”

    Mind. Blown.

  • I keep saying things like this on lemmy and catching hate.

    “Video games companies are fucking us!”

    “Have you considered not buying their games?”


    If I have a non-essential product, I’m selling it for every penny I can wrench out of the public (idiots). Hell, even with food you got options. I’m on the edge of a little redneck suburb and have 7 grocery stores within 10-miles. I vote with my wallet at the rundown places that are half the price of Publix. I won’t begrudge Publix’s ludicrous pricing, I just won’t go.

    Hey guys: If you are paying for this shit, you are the problem, not the system.