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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • How I envy you watching it through for the first time :)

    When it was on network TV it was hard to follow because it had such long story arcs. But when you can watch it consecutively at your leisure and absorb the plot it’s evidently the Magnum Opus of the Star Trek universe. As another commenter said, by season 3 the characters really start to shine in their own ways and you will love almost all of them. And then you will see how they fit together when shit gets real.

    IMO DS9 has a proper balance of utopic ideals and actions alongside dealing with many complex situations without a “nice and easy” answer. New Star Trek has too much of darkness and dystopic vibes for my taste (real life is bad enough, I could use a bit more utopia sprinkled in my Star Trek)

    DAE wish they had a dad like Sisko? (maybe just me)