Some people are too young to understand the power of a video game cover back then
Some people are too young to understand the power of a video game cover back then
First Person but not totally shooter :
Technically not a FPS though
Isn’t the old testament more hardcore than the new one ? Jewish roulette would seem more risky than christian roulette
I mean, obviously Jesus would get arrested by modern “christians” for being a “leftist hippie commie”
Just in case you should have your blood sugar level checked, unless you really eat once per day
Todd, are you trying to sell us another version of Skyrim ?
Only if it’s hate speech, I guess
Moto Racer 2 soundtrack, my favorite ska punk “album”
Ironfox repo is on their gitlab page (readme) :
If you have f-droid:
Firefox isn’t on f-droid, but Fennec and Ironfox are
Also Firefox TOS current controversy
Shit, just got Proton VPN 2 or 3 months back, I thought they were the best alternative to Nord “spends 1B$ in marketing” VPN
Maybe I should have stayed with Mozilla VPN… wait… shit shit
I’ve never tried Brave, but given their “ethics” I wouldn’t trust its privacy
I’d say they offer two different sides of the franchise, like Alien vs Aliens, but both brilliant, and both scary/traumatic to the then young generation
deleted by creator
Finnish culture ? How about us Celts ? 🍻
Edit: meaning Modern Celts
Mass Effect did it quite well (at least some of them like Tali), although with a touch of cringe
And The Witcher obviously
And of course some story games like Life Is Strange, but they’re character-focused so it makes sense
I’d say mid too about Outer Worlds, but the first half is above average IMHO. It’s the second half which felt half baked and lowered my appreciation.
I’d prefer some developers set their mind on a good/great 20h experience if they don’t have the budget for more, instead of trying to align themselves with the big players.
… and better (except for bad ports)
Outer Worlds had the same issue, the Borderlands “humour” and bright colors didn’t mix with the “Fallout in space” overall theme