Because of everyone does the thing with all the might necessary to do it themselves, then together they will do the biggest thing that’s ever been done.
Because of everyone does the thing with all the might necessary to do it themselves, then together they will do the biggest thing that’s ever been done.
You’re absolutely right, I wasn’t trying to get that in-depth, which is why I said “lightweight and optimized,” instead of “when using a distilled version” because that raises more questions than it answers. But I probably overgeneralized by making it a blanket statement like that.
r1 is lightweight and optimized for local environments on a home PC. It’s supposed to be pretty good at programming and logic and kinda awkward at conversation.
v3 is powerful and meant to run on cloud servers. It’s supposed to make for some pretty convincing conversations.
Swap in a new display controller board, get a cheap Bluetooth keyboard and wire the eee PC (maybe?) to the controller board. Then, remove the internal board and drive to make space for an old Android phone on which you can install a Linux distro.
Voila! A “laptop” that you can upgrade whenever you get a new phone or if someone donates a phone to you.
Sorry, there are too many idiots in this moron-soup and I forgot which one is the mad cow man. Thank you for this correction. I’d delete my comment, but I just don’t care that much…
His cow does not approve of your potty mouth
Why would you rebuild infrastructure for homeless people? Thems billionaire land now.
Next executive order: Providing Public Shovels for Self-Burial Before Expiration
/s or something. I don’t know what anything is anymore
Yeah, but you then saw doctors for some tummy issues and fled your country. Vaccines made you weak.
These unvaxxed kids, though. You just rub a little dirt on it and they’re all better! About 6 feet of dirt. And they don’t see any doctors or leave. Ever.
- Written by the proud parent of 2 “normal” children and 6 underground children, probably
to combat antisemitism
No shit! We’re deporting Elon Musk and his Nazi buddies???
pledge to deport non-citizen college students
Ah, fuck!
others who took part in pro-Palestinian protests
Obv. Harris would have been worse, right? I can taste the freedom and it tastes like my family’s ashes. Had they been buried, they’d be rolling in their graves over the support my family has been showing for Israel.
But we have so much experience! I, too, was once a child for nearly 18 years! /s
Unfortunately, myf.art is going for $500/year
Don’t forget the marshmallows!
They want to be the ones making fewer brown people
The way he’ll give kajillions of our tax dollars to CEOs will be truly incredible
You have 5 blue votes as of this publishing
You mean that for only a few thousand dollars, I could be @thefartographer@myf.art AND I could provide an unreliable server where instances and users will be randomly purged via script???
I’m proud to serve our benevolent leaders
How do I delete your comment? I wanna delete other people’s comments!
I’m glad to see you bought a copy of my book! Would you like me to sign it for you?