Do you think so? I thought it’s comparedly straightforward
Do you think so? I thought it’s comparedly straightforward
You can set up Bookstack and then use it to document everything you’re going to set up later!
Hardware hosts usually get a mix of hardware description and main use, e.g. en old Esprimo with Proxmox is esprimox. Virtual hosts are garden themed - auth server is mycel, monitoring will be called canopy once I move it, VM with lots of docker stuff is garden etc.
Edit: NVM, missed the part where you disabled remote images.
It’s the Linux file permissions. If something doesn’t work properly, it’s often due to wrong permissions because the app can’t save/read it’s stuff
Sure! It’s a Lenovo m910q tiny. Mine has an i7-6700 and 32GB RAM but Lemmy runs in a VM with 4 cores and 8 GB RAM which should be plenty, it’s not even using half that RAM. Disk Space seems to be the limiting factor after a while since it keeps copies of all remote threads and comments but that can be cleaned up too.
Found some threads online on resource usage beforehand like this:
Hell yeah, you just sent the first notification to my instance :)
Just set up Lemmy! I wonder if this gets through
Are you selfhosting on your Desktop? What exactly is the use case? I’d recommend different distros for a server or a desktop.