oof, never thought I’d see the baseline for “normal” set to after covid.
oof, never thought I’d see the baseline for “normal” set to after covid.
interesting. I’m most interested in the Khruschev era, during de-Stalinization and when the USSR was at its peak, and the satellite countries (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, etc.) the collapse just makes me sad.
I’d thrown in some community service on top, or 24 hours in jail if that’s not feasible. Fines just go to the kid’s parents - who also deserve to be punished tbf, based on how badly they’ve raised their kid to behave.
nope, a mostly straight jail. they won’t put us together. specifically, trans women like me are sent to men’s prison and assigned to be the prison wives of violent inmates to pacify them and as a “reward” for good behavior. it’s called v-coding.
I actually read the entirety of HPMoR to my elderly mother. I tried to sell her on Friendship is Optimal but I think rationalist pony fanfic is a bit too ambitious a leap.