Kann ich da mal vielleicht mitmachen. Danke.
Geht es immer um Erkenntnisse? Ist jeder Satz, jedes Wort, jede Silbe die du von dir gibst ein neues Erkenntis?
Sorry, I didn’t know. It’s not written in the sidebar. I’ll unsub.
Aber habe ich Unrecht?
Keine Kinder kriegen und rauchen um schneller zu verenden dann sich über die Einwanderer aufregen und von “Ersatztheorie” spinnen. Deutschland 👌
I know somebody who actually did it and returns frequently to visit. And is it international if the bank is in the US? 🤔
You might not know how much you can do. If refugees can travel from Afghanistan all the way to France with their entire family, you can do it from the US. Dunno what you’re doing, but crafts and trades jobs are also understaffed across Europe. Germany is even trying to be attractive to nurses all the way from India!
Don’t underestimate yourself.
If only they would leave their political affiliations and a few bad bits of their culture in the US too, that’d be great. They’re otherwise very welcome here, as is anybody else who wants to embrace the European lifestyle and integrate, Iranian, Afghan, Australian, Kenyan, Brazilian, Turkish, whatever.
They didn’t want to hear about it in the first place ;)
Dunno how old you are, but you can take a loan to study in Europe, get a job, and decide whether you want to pay back the loan or not. If you plan on never returning to the US, then AFAIK, you don’t have to pay back shit and there’s nothing they can do. Although, maybe that changed when the USA started demanding taxes from Americans abroad and forcing banks to close their accounts abroad too… who knows.
Anyway, it’ll probably be cheaper for you to move to Europe.
Will it be possible to pay for a service in Poland online while residing Portugal and not have to use paypal, visa, mastercard, or some other USAian service?