Same thing happened to me, but then I forgot it in another dream
Same thing happened to me, but then I forgot it in another dream
You really have to see how it resonates with them
Legacy Of Kain: Defiance is the closest we’ll ever get ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
Still love all those games, though
You gotta change that book to encyclopedia size. The amount of shenanigans you can’t explain without going into the other tomfoolery Amy Hennig and the rest of those wacky geniuses came up with…
And that’s why the medical term for boner-not-go-awayer is “priapism”
I just use P155w0rd as my password. No one guesses it
I’m just crushing turts
I have yet to find a dumb TV that looks great. Perchance have you any leads?
I’m not one for political violence, but I hope he gets the skin of his hand pinched in a u-lock
I am currently both. But I slack because I am the go-to guy for knowledge, not doing
This doesn’t need to be printed on your average merchandising. This needs to be on a fucking billboard.
Edit: edit to avoid keyword scouring bots from stealing & spamming merch. Idk if they can do that but you’re probably the #1 artist I’d hate to see it happen to
get in the flex neshus, shinji
It would’ve been funnier if a trans woman whose chosen name was Susan said that before going for the sex change. Or, I guess, more specifically, went to get her name legally changed to Susan. Elsewise it just sounds like OP was a big Johnny Cash fan.
Don’t blame me, I deleted all my social media years ago. Now, I’m just using it for my crippling addiction to pornography
They’ve finally found more money?
What was it? I wish I had a limited edition pmjv typo. It could be worth DOZENS of dollar on ebay
I wonder if the oversized daemon baby prefers Danzig or Graves records
Oh I was wondering what the pixels were for. I was at a loss to explain it
Penguin sounds like Gunther from Adventure Time
“Father, the sleep-command has awoken!” Something I saw in my Dune kern