There is great opportunity in America. People all over the world still want to come here for a chance to compete. Bow down before the great Eagle, cawcaw!! Sure we have our problems but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. The border to leave stays open btw.
Yes move to Europe with stagnant economies and 60% tax rates. There are evident reasons why the EU isnt competitive, it’s not a secret.
I’d say we do pretty well and STILL have affordable healthcare. But I’m sure potholes and a few extra billionaires are worth the tradeoff.
America is a shithole that treats their workers like shit overall. I would love to be able to move to Europe.
There is great opportunity in America. People all over the world still want to come here for a chance to compete. Bow down before the great Eagle, cawcaw!! Sure we have our problems but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. The border to leave stays open btw.
And long ass vacations. I’m in.
Long ass vacays is true, I’ll give you that one.
I live better and more cheaply here than I did in the US, to each their own.