This is something on tvs and even PC monitors/speakers that’s left me a little confused. Sliders/incremental input are okay for basic settings adjustments, but if you know exactly what you want your settings at…Why isn’t there a direct number input option on more devices?
E.g. brightness: slider/increment or input number within [range].
Volume: slider/increment or input number within [range].
I was helping adjust a somewhat newer tv awhile back and it brought this back to mind.
Is this still a thing? I thought we had settled on Arabic numerals a few hundred years ago…
Most people use Arabic numerals, but some cultures switch comma and points and some cultures put decimal seperator at different spots.
You have a TV with volume controls in the thousands, or that lets you adjust by tenths or smaller?
I see Chinese characters on Chinese tvs for numerical values so idk. They may just say “volume” for all I know.