I’ve long since deleted my other accounts but can’t sign in to my main and oldest one because it can’t “verify” me so I’m basically locked out even though I still have access to gmail via IMAP.

They usually force additional verification with a phone number/app but I intentionally never linked those to my account for privacy. My options are a random answer to a security question that I don’t remember because I made it when I was barely a teen, or signing in from a “known location”. You can’t opt out of this this additional “security” or forced MFA bullshit and I certainly never opted in.

I’ve mostly moved away from using anything Google and have moved to more private and free alternatives like Proton, self-hosted, etc but I’m frustrated. I hate them so much on so many levels.

That’s it, I’m not looking for advice or anything. I’ll figure it out eventually. Just wanted to vent a little bit.

  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    When I bought a Nexus 4, the first one I received from Google was broken out of the box. Later, after an RMA, I received one that worked find for about two months and then it got really hot one day, rebooted, suddenly had an IMEI of all zeroes and never was able to get cellular connection again. I did not have a credit card, and at that point, I was flat broke and didn’t have enough to do another RMA. I asked Google if they could make an exception and allow me to send in my device first, and then send me a replacement after, instead of making me buy a new device and wait for a refund when they received the broken one. They told me to go pound sand. I had to use a Skype number and be stuck only on wifi with that phone for the next year (because thankfully the WiFi radio didn’t die with the cellular radio).

    That’s when my love affair with Google ended. I have also made pains to extricate myself from their ecosystem, and I feel better for it.