I almost always read in the news/press that dentists recommend to brush teeth two times a day for 2-3 minutes.
This drives me crazy, because it does not make sense; The point for dental health is to systematical clean every surface of your teeth twice a day (and use inter-dental brushes/floss once a day). For me, brushing my teeth takes around 6 minutes, if I hurry up. For someone faster it might be possible in 1 minute.
So, why do dentists always give the 2-3 minutes recommendation?
I’ve always brushed my teeth twice a day and I’ve had like 6-8 cavities, a root canal, and an implant. There’s more to it than brushing. Some of it is biological.
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Do you floss, or use a fluoride mouthwash?
Yes to both. No specific toothpaste, but my partner gets the sensitive tooth ones.
Do you drink a lot of sugary drinks? Haven’t had a cavity since I quit drinking (non-sugar free) sodas.
No I don’t, I find sodas too sweet