It’s become my main stem. My neck is extremely tense and slowly in more and more pain and I’m getting concerned… can anyone else relate or offer tips?
It’s become my main stem. My neck is extremely tense and slowly in more and more pain and I’m getting concerned… can anyone else relate or offer tips?
symptomatic-treatment, get a good chiropractor.
real treatment: take up yoga, & do it, for real, until you body’s self-healing undoes the problem, then keep doing it, so it doesn’t come back.
We store stress in our bodies, which is why a chiro can help, as they can release some of it, while we keep storing more & more & more.
You can’t correct the problem by treating only symptoms, tho.
yoga’s the only corrective that’s going to really work,
and it has to be hard-min 3x/week, 4x/week will work much better.
Use Frawley & Kozak’s “Yoga for Your TYPE” book to figure-out which postures are required for your metabolism/dosha, & there are countless videos on the web for seeing how to do them.
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