Denmark conveniently omitted
They’re not even all the same technique…
Maybe they watched too much ancient aliens. They come up with this kind of thoughts in the show, but it was aliens.
Ancient Aliens is all about the “looks like.” As long as something looks like something else, then it is that other thing. And Facebook “archaeologists” are the same way.
Except in this case, the only way these all look alike is that they’re stones on top of other stones.
I’m not saying it was aliens…
it was aliens
Seeing these arguments I allways remember this line from Red Dwarf:
Rimmer: “How did they move such massive pieces of stone without the aid of modern technology?”
Lister: “They had massive whips, Rimmer. Massive, massive whips.”
I love how four of the six countries we can see names for are literally next to each other as well
Next, you’ll tell me that making the stacks smaller as you go up for stability is a coincidence too? 🏜️🔺🐫
TIL the ancient Greeks liked their wine.
Oh yeah, couldn’t get enough of the stuff. Still, decent wall if weird-looking.
Now Albania, I’m not sure what they were on. Shrooms?