Do you have any ideas for a password safe that stores its data locally (an encrypted cloud drive is available for synchronizing), offers clients for Linux, Win and Android and has some amenities like filling in passwords in browsers?
My family needs to learn password safety, and I want to make it easy for them.
If your KeePassXC databate gets leaked and you had a secure master password (10+ Diceware words or similar), you can do nothing (it’s encrypted).
Yeah, PasswordMaker Pro isn’t built with protection against brute-forcing, sadly. That risk could be mitigated though, by choosing an algorithm that takes a few moments to compute a single password, instead of doing so in mere nanoseconds…
I’m half tempted to write such an app myself (would be a nice upgrade after doing the PasswordMaker Pro port for Sailfish OS), but I’m also in the middle of another spare time project, so, probably not anytime soon…