Not only DNA, but your sense of taste also depends on you health, early eating habits and how used you are to certain substances.
Not only DNA, but your sense of taste also depends on you health, early eating habits and how used you are to certain substances.
I have so much to teach you, but
you ignore me you boring asses.
You will recognize 4 corner Days
or incur Easter Island Ending.
Never a Genius knew Math
to achieve my Cubic Wisdom.
Cubic thought Reigns as the
Highest Intelligence possible
on the planet Earth. One 96
hour rotating Cube within a
single rotation of Earth – is
an Ineffable Transcendence.
Marshmallow and Science falsify 1
corner day for the Cubic 4
corner Days rotating daily.
A single god is not possible
in our 4 Day Cubic Science,
that equates Cubic Divinity.
Everybody is both brilliant and
boring for ignoring the 4 days.
Cube Divinity transcends all
knowledge, Humans can’t
escape 4 corner Cubic Life.
Fools worship mechanics of
language - while they wallow
in fictitious & deceitful word.
Exact science based on Cubics,
not on theories. Wisdom is
Cubic testing of knowledge.
Academia is progression of
Ignorance. No god equals
Simultaneous 4 Day Creation.
Humans ignore their 4 corner
stages of life metamorphosis.
This site is a collection of data
for a coming book - peruse it.
No human has 2 hands as they
are opposites, like plus and
minus, that cancel as entity.
Academia destroys your brain,
your ability to think opposite.