Downgrading should be possible on steam via steam console commands. I noticed large collections on Nexus usually tell you to use some sort of downgrader program but I’ve always just used the steam console instead and been fine.
Downgrading should be possible on steam via steam console commands. I noticed large collections on Nexus usually tell you to use some sort of downgrader program but I’ve always just used the steam console instead and been fine.
They wanted to hear how confident you were in your ability to solve problems with .NET. They didn’t want to hear “aCtUaLlY, nO oNe Is PeRfEcT.”
Yeah, I mean no shit, with hindsight it’s obvious they were looking for the 10/10 answer. I was kicking myself for days afterwards because that’s the only question I felt I answered “wrong”. Tech interviews are such a shit show though that you can start to overthink things as an interviewee. Also, an important aspect of the question that I didn’t mention was they specified “1 is completely new, and 10 is working at Microsoft on the .net framework itself”. The question caught me off guard. I have literally no idea what working at Microsoft on the framework is like. In that context being a 10/10 felt like being among the most knowledgeable person of c# of all time. Could I work on the framework itself? Idk maybe, I’ve never thought about it, I don’t even know what their day to day is. I should’ve just said 10/10 though, it was a dev II position to work on a web app, it wouldn’t have been that hard.
They’re selling a single quest as dlc? I mean if you going to do dlc then at least make a full expansion.
Have you tried photopea? It doesn’t have everything Photoshop has but it’s been able to fit my needs
I’m learning it just now reading this comment!
I can’t imagine a ton of the people working there give a shit anymore when it seems like thousands of people are being layed off weekly while the company takes in billions in profit
Not sure why you’re getting down voted. This is exactly what happened at my last company during the RTO push, senior employees, including me, were leaving in droves and it got bad quickly. As a result the company upped their salaries and offered fully remote work instead of just hybrid to keep people around. The only way a company will listen is if you hit them in their wallets.
I don’t know, it wasn’t stated in the article. Do you actually know the answers to these questions or are you jumping to conclusions that fit your own personal bias?
Well, growing up around the people I did, seeing any amount of change in someone like this gives me hope. And he’s doing much more than “not being an asshole”. Please at least read the article.
In this case he changed his viewpoints for very selfish reasons, 100% agree. The point I’m trying to make is someone like this typically doesn’t exist in a vacuum. There’s an entire support group to reinforce and validate the bigotry and ignorance of their beliefs. Even if it’s for selfish reasons, changing a viewpoint like this can be a catalyst for even bigger change and personal growth down the line, and it doesn’t happen overnight. Also it’s not entirely selfish, many fathers would have disowned their daughter when they came out as trans and remained as close minded bigots. This sort of change should be celebrated.
I understand where you’re coming from but you need to think of this situation as someone who broke free of cult brainwashing. As someone who was raised conservative evangelical Christian, I can tell you it absolutely is. I felt guilt from not trying to convert people. I was told people different than me were going to hell to burn for an eternity from a young age. Manipulation tactics were used for me to believe in miracles and that the world is in a holy war against satan. Then the sentiment was retold over and over for close to two decades. It took a similar incompatibility as the man in the article for me to finally see that maybe different ideals and viewpoints weren’t evil after all.
I think the maintainer just viewed the bug report as tone deaf. Microsoft is a trillion dollar company and apparently relying on this library without a support contract. Then they a open a high priority bug item. The maintainer saying it’s unacceptable is them basically saying they won’t prioritize any work unless there’s an existing support contract and that they don’t do one off payments for bug fixes, which I think is fair.
Yeah with initial disaster at release it’s easy to forget they originally promised multiplayer would be added in later and a robust functioning society where each NPC would have a job and routine they follow
I’m in the camp of: I love the first game and was so happy they made a second one that I bought it even knowing all the potential issues. I’m still having a blast in the second one but the issues it has are very real and not defensible imo. I don’t recommend anyone buy it because of the issues but damn the gameplay really has its moments and is super awesome at times.
The Williams distro of choice is a single windows 7 machine with an excel spreadsheet containing all of the companies data
The infuriating thing about dragons dogma has been all the simple things they could fix but didn’t. The gameplay and atmosphere is amazing but then Capcom have to shoot themselves in the foot constantly. A friend of mine just lost 8 hours of gameplay because they accidentally clicked “Load from last inn” instead of “load from last save” which apparently overwrites your singular save file and removes any progress you made after resting at that inn.
The singular save file BS was a problem in the first game, why the fuck did they reimplement it in the second game!?
I view the mtx as basically paying for cheat codes. I’m not interested in using cheats but am opposed to companies trying to monetize them. It’s straight up mobile game level of BS in a PC game. Tbh though, if the store button wasn’t available in the main men, I wouldn’t even know the mtx exist.
How difficult did you find the process? Over here we basically just go to the store and buy it after a simple background check. Even the background check seems to be avoidable if you do a private gun sale. At least this is how it was described to me by friends who have firearms, I don’t own any myself.
Well I wasn’t planning on vaping for very long, just enough to stop smoking. However, I finally did get honest with myself and get a refillable not too long ago.
From insider leaks overuse of contractors was what put infinite in the mess it was in the beginning… so they’re just doubling down on using contractors instead of listening to the actual workers. It’s a huge shame because right as 343 started to pick up steam with updates Microsoft started firing everyone.