That’s also valid. It’s not my ideal either, but I figured it was worth bringing up nonetheless
That’s also valid. It’s not my ideal either, but I figured it was worth bringing up nonetheless
Wireless charging pads cover that gap, however
It’s this for me, too. I like to pop them in (or really just one) while I do chores and stuff. I did it before the wireless ones too. And now, I feel spoiled by the lack of wires-getting-caught-on-stuff that I don’t want to go back to wired as my primary earbuds.
That being said, I do keep several spare pairs of wired earbuds around, and I am planning on picking up an inexpensive pair of in ear monitors for quiet, music practice
I wonder how long that’ll last now that’s it a public company (or will be? I actually haven’t kept up on it too much)
I am so fucked up in part because I was taught that pride is the root of all evil and that it’s better to be humble.
I struggle to accept compliments, I struggle to not be intensely critical of myself, and I feel like I have very little drive for just about any form of competition.
The only time I’ve seen it as an insult was on Tumblr. And then the phrase, “cisgender shitlord,” was eventually added to the meme pile, too
Stay strong, mate. When disaster strikes, look for the people trying to help. There is good
Don’t lump me in with greedy, selfish, short sighted fucks
-Minimum wage
-Private equity
-Ease of voting
Company’s gonna need that back, sorry.
I can’t believe it’s been 70 years since Back to the Future came out in 1929
You don’t necessarily know how left I am, though
I’m not a democrat, I’m far more left. But if there’s something I’d like the Republicans to do, it’s to actually repeal some of their laws and attempt to make the government a bit smaller and more efficient (without just removing funding/programs/departments). Currently, that doesn’t seem to be happening.
I used to do that too! For some reason it didn’t work as well for me, though. I’d remember to take the empty bottle with me, but I’d forget to replace it before leaving the washroom
Ah, thank you for the correction. I still feel like it’s a weird way to write measurements
Today I learned a color, that its etymology is tied to pigeons, and that it’s also used (in certain contexts) to mean ideal as well as a slang term for gay (possibly as a pejorative?)
200ng/dl? Is that nanograms per decalitre?
How I’m trynna be
My trick to this is to leave the bottle on the tub/shower floor when I’m truly done with it. It increases the chances that I’ll get rid of the bottle once I’m out of the shower. It does not necessarily guarantee that I’ll remember to grab a new bar of soap or shower gel, but it interrupts my usual post-showdr flow of things enough to up the odds that I will
I’ve tried that so many times, and I just hate the way it feels. And depending on the material or type of shirt, it’d the cord wouldn’t move as smoothly, and my earbuds would loosen