Inductions unclear: lead to spiritual depantsing
Inductions unclear: lead to spiritual depantsing
Bright blue until I was at least in my teens. Faded to grey by the time I was in my 30s.
I really enjoy her work and her ethos of help first.
I was raised religious and at least moderately conservative, though thankfully neither parent has gone even remotely towards Trump’s nightmare orbit.
I am neither now and just keep wondering how people see someone different and think “that’s who caused ALL of my problems… and if I put them in a special camp, all of my problems will disappear”. Especially when said person is either a WWII vet or the child of one.
It defined a genre. And had some pretty advanced concepts for the time (the first game I played with right-click help pop-ups).
It’s still being worked on, mostly via Caster of Magic. The ‘reboot’ is OK, but a bit too slavish in copying the UI issues.
More like “we can’t hear you over all these AIPAC donations constantly rolling in”.
Or I could just play some sweet Master of Magic (DOS version)… a game so beloved it’s still getting actively modded some 30 years later!
I have such a ridiculous backlog to play. Such guilt.
Same boat here my friend.
1000+ hours, lots of intricate builds. Post Ashlands has been miserable.
With all that, still the best $20 I’ve ever spent in 43 years of gaming.
They’ve gotten progressively more poorly thought out though.
Mistlands is glorious, but so fogged in as to be essentially invisible. I resorted to a mod to increase the value of the wisp.
Ashlands is just a brutal, unfun grind. Not hard, just relentless especially with endless pop-in of enemies. Not to mention even more horrendous performance… 20fps on a very high end system is abysmal (rtx 4090, nvme drive, etc).
Valheim was amazing. But it’s faltered so badly in the past 2 years that I’m just sad. Very sad.
There is no war in Ba Sing SE after all…
The word you’re looking for is ‘apropos’.
Asking the important questions here.
Sorrey I missed you question about her radicalization.
It stemmed from separation anxiety due to her mother working while she was young. Which metastasized into a hatred of women in the workforce. Ironic given how much she worked with men who viewed her as nothing more than a novelty, all while she crafted much of the modern GOP ethos.
I wasn’t aware there was one about her!
Most of my information, outside of my baseline knowledge of her anti-ERA shenanigans, is from some recent Behind the Bastards episodes about her.
One of the greatest political operatives of the 20th century, in terms of how widespread her horrifying legacy is. She only cosplayed as a frumpy housewife all while trying to lock the US an eternal fictionalized version of the 1950s.
Phylis Schlafly, one of the main architects behind the modern religious right controlled GOP.
My gateway not only into ‘real’ computer gaming but also D&D.
You call the a pressed ham?!?!
Worsening in Israel. Not the two faced AIPAC fueled support they have now, but fully empowered to destabilize the entire region and genocide with even more glee. Ghastly butchery on display, not as an attempt to shame the administration, but to boast.
Complete withdrawal of Ukranian aid. Naked support for Russian incursion wherever they see fit.
Pulling out of NATO as well as any other meaningful international consortiums.
Worsening relations with ally nations
No clue here. But if even 10% of his domestic threats are enacted, bad times.
EDIT: my rambling screed ignored the question, sorrey.
They will be the ‘enemy within’. And treated like leftists have been for a long time here. All without the street cred to back it up.