This looks dope! I don’t know if I have the space for it right now (renter so can’t change the outside too much, plus most of it is not usable), but I’m bookmarking this for if/when I buy a house. I actually might talk to my wife and decide if we should do a small growing bed for tomatoes or peppers.
I feel that choice paralysis a lot. My reading moods fluctuate, so sometimes I want to read one genre or sometimes another, but I also have a massive TBR so I struggle determining what book I should read. I’ve learned to just let myself start something, and if it doesn’t work out, then I can stop and maybe pick it back up later. For instance, I just finished Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence, a book that I had tried to read three times prior. This was the first time my interest stuck, and now I am finishing the trilogy. But getting over that initial hurdle of “what should I read” can be difficult.